There was a time we all stood in the pre-mortal world and chose to follow God’s plan. Part of that plan included the opportunity to create families here on earth. Each spirit child had a hope to be born into a family that included a loving father and mother who would teach them in the ways of God.

Mormon DatingIt is through the sacred power of procreation that these families are made. When done in proper order, a man and a woman are bound together through marriage before bringing a child into the world.

Satan has another agenda. Over many years of whispering the wrong ideas into the right ears, he has convinced countless numbers of people that the sacredness of sexual relations should be explored outside the bonds of marriage. More recently he has sought to convince the youth as early as fourteen and younger, that remaining virtuous is old-fashioned, outdated, and behind the times.

He’s worked hard in recent years to convince the youth to give up that which is most sacred. His tactics are clever and cunning. One of his strongest, other than in an effort to obtain pleasure, is a basic desire to be loved.

I once had a young woman come to me as I held one of my babies in my arms and say, “Sometimes I think about having a baby just so someone will love me.” She felt so alone, so unloved, so unimportant that she thought of giving up that which is sacred in our Father’s eyes just so she could have someone in her life who might give her all that she was missing.

This is not Heavenly Father’s plan for us. “For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women.” (Jacob 2:28) What about the guys? Well, if our girls are remaining chaste, it stands true that the young men are doing so as well.

You are all coming to an age where it is necessary to think on eternal things in an effort to deal with the issues confronting you in the here and now.

Elder Boyd K. Packer wrote:

“Someday you will hold a little boy or a little girl in your arms and know that two of you have acted in partnership with our Heavenly Father in the creation of life. Because the youngster belongs to you, you may then come to love someone more than you love yourself.

“This experience can come, insofar as I know, only through having children of your own or perhaps through fostering children born of another and yet drawn close into family covenants.”

My young woman had no idea how hard it is to have a child. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t give up any one of my kids for anything in this world, but it’s not a job for those who aren’t ready for it. You must be prepared to put every single one of your own needs aside in an effort to provide for a life, which requires all you have to give them. They can be such a joy. They can also take everything you’ve got. I cannot imagine trying to make parenthood work without my husband by my side.

I tried to help this young woman see no spirit child looking down on his or her parent would wish to be brought into this world in such a way. Each of these precious spirits deserves the very best we can provide. If we ourselves don’t come from the happiest of households, we should strive to give our children what we did not have ourselves: a mother and father, married in the temple, who love them.

“A world full of trials and fears and disappointments can be changed into a kingdom of hope and joy and happiness. Each time a child is born, the world somehow is renewed in innocence” quotes Elder Packer.

I love that phrase, “renewed in innocence.” Each child who comes coming into this life without a mother and father who cared enough to have been married first.

Think on the eternal perspective. Think of those future boys and girls who Heavenly Father will place in your care. Thinking on this can work to help you in this life, as well as the next.

Elder Packer cautions:

“Your actual happiness is at stake. Eternal family life, now only in your anticipation and dreams, can be achieved because our Heavenly Father has bestowed this choicest gift of all upon you – this power of creation. It is the very key to happiness. Hold this gift as sacred and pure. Use it only as the Lord directed.”

About Laurie W

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