A few days ago, Gordon B. Hinckley, President and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died. I was sitting with some close friends when I got the phone call, informing me of his death. When I related to my friends what had just occurred silence rang in the air. As I looked around our small group, I saw many teary eyes, and contemplative faces.

President Gordon B Hinckley mormonI cannot begin to describe with words alone how much President Hinckley has come to mean to me in my life. I will hold in my heart, love, honor, and gratitude for this man for the rest of my life.

I was in my youth when he became Prophet, which is probably why President Hinckley has had such a powerful impact in my life. I still remember sitting in an audience full of youth when he prayed to God on our behalf. I remember watching the newly filmed “Special Witnesses of Christ” and hearing/seeing him, as well as, the rest of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles bare solemn witness of the life, divinity, and purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was always concerned with the youth, young single adults in the church, and the world in general. I remember countless talks given in hope to strengthen, inspire, and guide us in becoming all we were created to be. One of my favorite talks was when he gave us the six B’s (later added three more) to live by.

Many times in my life (often by single adults) I have been asked the question, “Why do we need a Prophet on the earth?” When faced with this sincere, valid question I would try to explain that for me a living Prophet was a sign of a loving and caring God. A prophet is a man called of God, to declare His word, to sound His warning, and to stand as His witness to draw all men closer to Christ.

When I would share this, often my friends would point out that we have scripture containing the word of God, which brings us unto Christ. Why do we need more? On once such occasion when faced with these questions, my mind turned back to a lesson my mother had taught me years ago, when I was a small child. The lesson strangely enough had to do with lighthouses.

I have always been enchanted with the concept of the lighthouse, and yet confused at the same time. I would picture a stormy night, and a ship lost at sea trying to find a safe harbor. Then right as he is about to give up, the captain sees a powerful light cutting through the darkness. He knows land and safety are near. This is where my understanding and thus imagination always faltered. Just because he knows that land is near, doesn’t mean he is safe. How can one light help him to navigate the dangerous reefs and find the one way into the safe harbor? Knowing my mother had grown up in Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, I thought she might have an answer. She did. You see there are two lights she told me. The first is the lighthouse’s light, which is powerful enough to cut through the darkness and warn that land was near. However, I was right that one light would not have the ability to guide the ship safely into the waiting harbor. That was the job of the second light that was always placed high up on a hill. Once the Captain spots the first light, he would immediately search for the second light. When he finds it, all he has to do is line the two lights up and he is shown the path cut through the deadly reefs that leads directly into the waiting harbor.

This story taught me why I need a prophet. We are like a ship lost on the tumultuous sea of life trying to find our way safely home to God’s waiting harbor. In the midst of the stormy darkness we cannot see our way through the dangerous reef to the harbor. We cannot even see if we are heading in the right direction toward land. If we don’t receive help soon, we will be lost for good. I picture the Spirit of God as that powerful lighthouse. The light of The Spirit cuts through the darkness and brings hope that land is near. Then we see that second light upon the hill, which I picture, as the Prophet. This light is not to replace the lighthouse’s light, but to be used in accordance with the lighthouse, to illuminate the only safe path into the harbor.

I am thankful for the blessing of a living Prophet of God, who as he stands in accordance with the Holy Spirit, shows me that safe pathway home. I can now traverse the oceans of life with confidence, hope, and peace.

All these thoughts went through my mind the moment I was informed of President Hinckley’s death. I felt sorrow, for I will miss him more than I can say. However, soon I felt peace and joy, because I know that President Hinckley lived a full life, and is now reunited with many loved ones, including his dear wife, Marjorie. There was no concern because I know that the next Prophet will be called of God and has been prepared to take President Hinckley’s place, as the living Prophet of God, on the Earth. He will be just as inspired, and just as worthy to fulfill such a heavy responsibility. I am sure that like Joshua, who followed Moses, God will be with our new Prophet.

About Julia G

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