Where many in the world have the power and authority to marry a couple in the eyes of the law, and even the eyes of God, till death do them part, there are only a few who have the power and authority to marry a couple for time and all eternity. Likewise, where the first sort of marriage previously stated may be preformed anywhere, the second sort can only be preformed in a Temple of God by one who has been given the authority to do so (a Sealer). This is the same authority that Christ gave to his apostles.
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19
Temples are not only created for the purpose of performing this work for the living, but also for the dead. We do so by standing in as proxy for them. Once the work has been done for someone who has passed on, they have the ability to accept or reject it. I know that the work that transpires within the Temples of God is holy and right. It is sacred, which is why it is not often discussed in detail outside those dedicated walls. I am so thankful for temples and those who work within them. Without that work, families would not have the ability to be sealed, to live together for the eternities.
There are many who have already passed on who are waiting for this work to be done in their behalf. They pray that the hearts of the children, as spoken by Malachi of old, (Malachi 4:6) will be turned to the fathers to do this work and bind the generations together. Otherwise, the whole Earth would be wasted, or our lives upon it.
Though I have not been married or sealed in the temple myself, I have been greatly blessed with the opportunity to go in behalf of others. Before my mission I was able to go, with my family’s ward. It was such a wonderful experience to be able to stand in as proxy for many of my friend’s ancestors while their families were sealed together for time and all eternity. Likewise, since my return from serving a mission, I have been blessed with the opportunity to go to the temple and do sealings, very regularly.
When I do sealings in the temple for the deceased, I am reminded once more of the power of the sealing ordinance. I am filled with joy in the knowledge that another family is reunited and sealed as it were (if that is their wish). I find that I am renewed with hope, for the day when I will be able to be in that holy place with my future husband, to be sealed together for time and all eternity. To know that my marriage will not be ’til death do us part, but for time and all eternity means more than I can say. I am filled with power and confidence to face life’s trials when I know that all the children I will someday have will be bound to me and my husband (as long as we remain righteous), and that we will be bound to God. I am strengthened in my desire to remain worthy, and reminded of how to do so.