At this link we read the following:
Church leaders have instructed members to set aside Monday night as “family home evening.” This is a time for families to study the gospel together and to do other activities that strengthen the family spiritually, create family memories, and increase unity and love.
The portion that catches my eye in this quote is “create family memories.” As you think back on your family in recent times, how are those “family memories” going?
Many families in the world struggle currently. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or the Mormons), we too face challenges. Our youth are growing up in a world that insists on pushing unhealthy lifestyles in the faces of younger and younger kids. What is a parent to do?
Well, as Mormons, we hold Family Home Evenings (FHE). Of course, no family is perfect. But for the families who hold FHEs consistently, over time their children fare better as they grow up. I’ve written about this in other blogs, but sociological studies have shown that children are less likely to do drugs and they also do better in school when the families get together for at least one group activity a week.
I find that most interesting, since Mormon church leaders have been counseling Mormon members to hold Family Home Evenings for some time – this counsel has existed for nearly one hundred years!
If you would like to try Family Home Evening yourself, I’ll give you some helpful links below. But first, here are a few suggestions:
1. Know that expectations and reality rarely “jive” perfectly.
In other words, it takes time to begin a new process. Begin small. Set a goal to get together every week, ideally on a Monday night. Have the goal be a simple one: joyful interaction. You can smooth the process as you go, but if your overall goal is one of joyful interaction, you’ll be more likely to achieve those happy “family memories” quoted above.
2. Know that each child needs something different … and the same.
All of us are unique, aren’t we? That is what makes life so interesting. So take just a moment to ponder on each of your children, if you have any. Bring each one to mind. What do you appreciate about each one? What worries you about each one? Why not then begin to create “FHEs” to support your children in their unique personalities? Pray over how to fashion each FHE that will serve well your family members; the Lord will guide you in this endeavor. And I know you know the most delightful thing about family relationships: each child also needs the same thing … love! :0)
3. Know that you don’t need to “recreate the wheel.”
There are many ways to structure a Family Home Evening. You aren’t alone in figuring out how to hold one. Here are several links to previous blogs here at full of ideas:
- Strengthening the Family
- Your First Family Home Evening
- Weekly Family Home Evening
- Tips for a Successful Family Home Evening
- FHE Idea: Giving Thanks to Someone
Additionally, there are other resources to help you get started. This link is a great one to help you understand more fully the concept of FHE and to help you begin this successful bonding tool for your family.
When you incorporate The impact might not be seen immediately. But just as a seed planted in a garden will grow with proper care, your family can grow up unto the Lord by adding a weekly Family Home Evening joyful time. Make FHEs lighthearted, but spiritually focused and I think you’ll see some great memories forming as you go through life!
Again, for more information, feel free to visit this link to get started!