Previously I had blogged about the importance of families in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon church). I’d shared that one of the ways the Church supports, strengthens, and sustains families is other families in the ward (congregation).

Mormon Relief SocietyThese men are called “home teachers.” They are asked to visit their families monthly to ensure that all is well with the family. If not, the home teachers are to aid the family in finding resources to help them in appropriate ways. To be a home teacher is a sacred responsibility and as Mormons, we view it as having a stewardship serving the others in the fold of Christ.

But there is also an additional auxiliary in the Mormon church that is set up to serve and sustain the family. I love this organization, because as a woman I belong to it! It is called the Relief Society.

The Relief Society is one of the oldest women’s organizations in the world. It was established on March 17, 1841. The women of the church (eighteen years of age and older) are all members of this organization. Through the Relief Society, women can build the homes, the families and the individual lives of other women in the Church.

Women of the Relief Society are also assigned (similar to the assignments given to the men in the Melchizedek Priesthood quorums) to visit the homes of the members, only the Relief Society women visit other Relief Society women. These visiting women are called “Visiting Teachers.”

Visiting Teachers are assigned to make monthly contact with all of the homes of their assigned sisters in the congregation (click here to learn more about Visiting Teachers).

As the Visiting Teachers visit with their assigned “sisters”, if they become aware of any needs, the visiting teachers work to address them through their individual efforts as well as bringing them to light in the church organizations of the Priesthood and other auxiliaries.

Some of my best memories and experiences as a Mormon have been through and with the Relief Society program and that of being called to serve as a Visiting Teacher.

In fact, I can remember being new to the Relief Society. And guess what? My very first assignment as a Visiting Teacher was to none other than the Relief Society President!

I should not have been nervous. The gospel of Jesus Christ is no different for anyone. All may relish the scriptures and share them equally well with others, no matter who they are.

So, yes, I have loved being a Mormon. I love how the Mormon church seeks to bless and strengthen families. This is how Christ would have it; this is how I’ve experienced.

Families are so important, and with the help of the Relief Society and other auxiliaries in the Church, families can experience great joy as they seek to live the gospel of Jesus Christ!

You can click here to learn more about the Mormon church and about the importance of families.

About Cindy B

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