Raising children to make sound choices can challenge even the best of parents. For example, while a child is only two years old, parenting can seem quite simple. If the little one runs out in the street, we pull him back. If he’s climbing too high a tree, we pull him down.

But what about when they are older? There are many times we want to pull our kids back to safety, but as parents we also recognize that at some point they are going to be on their own. We won’t be around to pull them out of “dangerous streets” or “too tall trees.” What do we do? How do we best prepare them?

Mormon Book EnglishTrue, we parent like crazy while we have them still with us. But sometimes that still isn’t enough. We need to provide perfect modeling in as many situations as possible so they can make wise choices while out on their own.

But we’re not perfect parents, so how can we perfectly model appropriate decision making? We may not always make perfect choices ourselves, because after all we’re not perfect, nor are we perfectly wise. But there is One who is. The Lord sent His Son to show us the way. And the more we study the scriptures, the more we can reference Christ’s perfect example for our children.

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “What Would Jesus Do?” It’s a great quote and a very helpful one. And there is no better place to learn what Jesus would do than in the scriptures.

It is while we explore the many accounts of His life that we begin learning of His perfect ways. Eventually then we will be able to proclaim, “I know in whom I trust,” and rely on His ways. As we do so, our children will see this. And if they are taught while young, when they are old they will not depart from it.

Thus, there is no better way to teach than from the scriptures. An ancient Book of Mormon prophet spoke these same words in explaining why he kept scripture records:

“And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and profit of my children….

“…I know in whom I have trusted” (2 Nephi 4:15, 19).

Nephi wrote these words during great anguish of soul. Two of this prophet’s brothers had tried several times to kill him, because they hated the ways of the Savior. So when Nephi wrote in whom he trusted, these were not idle words!

As we teach our children from the pages of scriptures and as they read of these great ancient individuals, they too may learn in whom they can trust. And as they lean ever more on the arm of the Lord, their choices will instinctively be ever more worthy of Him and bring them (and us) joy!

Click here to read more from the Book of Mormon about this great prophet and many others.

About Cindy B

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