As a new member, the ways you entertain yourself may need to change. For instance, the church does not accept gambling as an appropriate form of entertainment. This includes lotteries, even those sponsored by governments.
On we read: “Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. This desire is spiritually destructive. It leads participants away from the Savior’s teachings of love and service and toward the selfishness of the adversary. It undermines the virtues of work and thrift and the desire to give honest effort in all we do.”
Part of God’s plan for our lives is that we should give something of value for all we receive. Gambling takes away the motivation to give something of value, because we can live on hope of becoming wealthy without any work. Few people actually do become wealthy, and so most are simply throwing their money away. Some will try to justify their expense because a government lottery gives the profits to something worthwhile. However, studies have shown there is surprisingly little profit as payouts become larger. We can do far more good by donating that money directly to a good cause, and do so without damaging our eternal lives.
Gambling can lead to addiction. Some people are able to gamble without becoming addicted, but some cannot. There is no way to know in advance which type of person you are, and so, each time you gamble, you place yourself at risk of addiction. It is so much easier to stop when you are not addicted—or to never start—than it is to fight an addiction that may have already hurt your family and your spiritual progress.
Gordon B. Hinckley, former president of the church, said,
“The pursuit of a game of chance may seem like harmless fun. But there attaches to it an intensity that actually shows on the faces of those who are playing. And in all too many cases this practice, which appears innocent, can lead to an actual addiction. The Church has been and is now opposed to this practice. If you have never been involved in poker games or other forms of gambling, don’t start. If you are involved, then quit now while you can do so.
There are better ways to spend one’s time. There are better pursuits to occupy one’s interest and energy. There is so much of wonderful reading available. We are not likely to ever get too much of it. There is music to be learned and enjoyed. There is just having a good time together—in dancing, in hiking, in cycling, or in other ways—boys and girls together enjoying one another’s company in a wholesome way.”– Gordon B. Hinckley, “Gambling,” Ensign, May 2005, 58
If you find you’re unable to stop gambling, visit with your bishop for assistance in fighting your addiction. The gospel offers many tools to help you get on the proper path.
Terrie Lynn Bittner
The late Terrie Lynn Bittner—beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend—was the author of two homeschooling books and numerous articles, including several that appeared in Latter-day Saint magazines. She became a member of the Church at the age of 17 and began sharing her faith online in 1992.