Mormons have a number of websites, provided by the Church, which enable us to prepare ourselves for any eventuality. Whether it is the main website which grants us access to all the words of modern prophets and apostles, the scriptures online, information about the Church, music . . . it doesn’t matter. For the enterprising Latter-day Saint we can be prepared for anything. I invite you to drop in on any of these websites and enjoy the adventure.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the main website. Here we can find every aspect of the LDS religion and culture. Magazines, General Conference talks, music, temples, images of religious history, visiting and home teaching messages, etc. This is a site I frequent almost every day to find answers to questions or further clarification on points of doctrine. It is a wonderful resource for anyone.
Learn more about Mormons.
At this website every question you would have about the gospel of Jesus Christ will be answered here, or a path provided for those answers to be received.
In addition, there is a complete list of LDS churches worldwide that will enable you to attend a service. It’s a wonderful site with basic information that will enlighten your mind.
This is also where you are able to ask any question and chat live with someone who can provide the answer. You will learn all the basics of the truth restored.
The Restoration of Truth
God is your loving Heavenly Father. Does God really know me? Does God really know me?
God is your Father in Heaven (Matthew 6:9). We call God Heavenly Father because He is the Father of our spirits and we are created in His image ( Genesis 1:27).
Welfare services is not only a program of relief for the needy; it is also a principle of the gospel, one of the basic principles. As President Marion G. Romney has said, “Welfare is not a program of the Church. It is the Church.” It is the application of the teachings and principles of the gospel. Our purpose here on the earth is to perfect ourselves so that we can return to the presence of our Father in heaven.
Many of the spiritual truths we must learn and actions that must become part of our lives are inseparably connected to the concepts of welfare services. For instance, the first and great commandment is to love the Lord, and the second, which “is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matt. 22:39). How do we show love? “If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me” (D&C 42:29). This is the principle of service. King Benjamin emphasized this when he said, “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
(taken from the Ensign, Sept. 1973, p. 68)
This site is to help you learn these principles, and find opportunities to apply them in your life and in the lives of others.
Mormons learn alot about independence and caring for oneself and neighbors very early in life. I recall many a year when harvest came around. We would can fruits, vegetables, meats, stews and anything else that would sustain our family. I remember my back aching, my neck burning as we worked late into the night trying to get everything done. That food has fed our family through some very difficult times.
The Church of Jesus of Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages every member to prepare for the worst and expect the best. The Provident Living website takes you through different aspects of becoming self-reliant and preparing for the worst, such as the fires burning across the state of California, or ice storms in Virginia where utilities are lost for up to two weeks at a time, or in Florida where hurricanes ravage the coast with great ferocity, or tornadoes tearing through the heartland. We never know when disaster will strike, whether it is natural or man-made, like the loss of a job or ill health. Those who are prepared need not fear. That is the mantra of the LDS people, and it’s a good one to have.
Family History is a crucial part of Mormon life. Commanded to “redeem our dead,” which means to seek them out, go to the temple and perform, by proxy, the saving ordinances which they didn’t have access to in life. Heavenly Father desires a solid chain from Adam down to each person living on this planet we call Earth. Family Search is the largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world. Check out the Genealogy section of this site to learn more about how to do your genealogy.
Also, I invite you to drop by our Technology section to read reviews Moira is doing of different LDS related sites and blogs. She’ll be starting those soon, so check back often.
These are just a few of the sites that help people around the world learn more about us. Please visit any of them. We welcome you and all your questions.