by Abby Christianson | Jun 29, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Adventures in Autism
As an autism mom and autism big sister, I often go to my brother’s blog to learn how to be a better parent to my son. He has so many excellent insights! This week I want to share one of his articles with you instead of one of my own. It was an answer to a prayer...
by Abby Christianson | Jun 22, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Adventures in Autism
My brother has a blog that offers me tremendous insight as an autism mom. And this week I wanted to share an article he wrote because I think it will benefit all of us. The unfamiliar can be scary for a kid, especially when that kid has autism. But those...
by Abby Christianson | Jun 15, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Adventures in Autism
This week we will have a special guest writer. She has incredible insight that all those who work with kids with autism need to know. So I got her permission to share it with you. “How not to gaslight autistic kids” by Some very...
by Abby Christianson | Jun 8, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
This last week has brought so much new awareness that it feels like it has been many weeks instead of just one. My whole life I have tried to see the insides of people when finding and choosing friends. So, I have friends of every orientation, nationality, color, and...
by Abby Christianson | May 11, 2020 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
Have you ever wondered why we have a veil of forgetting placed over our minds when we come to earth? I have a few new ideas to present to you. But first I have to start with a story. When I was growing up, my family moved around a lot. We followed my dad’s job...