Faith, Hope and Charity

Faith, Hope and Charity

We are coming to the end of Paul’s message on charity. We’ve pondered his direction and tried to find ways to develop more charity within our lives. Now comes what is probably the most important message Paul could leave us with. Charity: “Believes all things, hopes...

What It Means To Be A Latter-day Saint

In the spring of 1838 Joseph Smith received a revelation that is now recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants section 115. It contained specific instructions regarding the Savior’s newly reorganized church. Included in these instructions was the official name of the...

Charity Beareth All Things

In the last few phrases of Paul’s insight on charity, he seems to give a summary of the points he has covered, subtly combining them into a bigger picture. These are the last pieces of advice he gives on the journey of developing charity. He tells us to take things to...

I Pledge My Life

The New Year always begins as a time of reflection and resolution. For me, at least, it can be a little frustrating. I want to make positive changes, to place my feet further down the path to becoming more Christ-like. Yet, there is someone else who doesn’t want me to...

Charity Rejoices in the Truth

Mankind has a continual quest for knowledge and truth. It marks our progression as a society. It creates progress as we move forward with new insight into old problems. Everyone seeks knowledge of some kind: whether it is the ultimate spaghetti and meatball recipe or...
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