Music in Troubled Times

Music in Troubled Times

I ran across a beautiful story about the power of music the other day. I was looking for something appropriate to post on Memorial Day, because one of the best ways I know of to express strong emotions and bring peace is through music. With this account, I read the...
Learning the Gospel From My Father

Learning the Gospel From My Father

I grew up as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I can’t really say we were a model LDS family. Oh, in a lot of ways we were, but in some very basic ways we weren’t. We only ever had a handful of Family Home Evenings, we hardly ever ate...
Why Choose Discipleship?

Why Choose Discipleship?

People look to Christ for many different reasons, just as they did during His mortal ministry. Some came looking for miracles, some to have their daily needs met, some to try and find fault with Him, some to seek forgiveness, some to learn from Him, become His...
The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Have you heard the story of the First Vision? How did it affect you?   It’s amazing the power that the story of the First Vision can have. When you first hear it, your heart either rejoices or your mind clouds over and can’t see the possibility of its...
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