The Role of Father as Disciple

The Role of Father as Disciple

The family is a divinely organized unit. Within it Heavenly Father intends for us to learn and form a basis of support that will lead each family member back to Him. What is the father’s role in a family? Often, the things that come to mind are the things they do to...

The Hand of God Leads Down Better Roads

I was cleaning off my desk this morning and ran across an interesting quote by Abraham Lincoln. “I feel the hand of God on me, leading me down better roads than I would take alone.” (Abraham Lincoln) Interestingly enough, the scriptures say almost the same thing. Even...
What Matters Most

What Matters Most

If I had to think today about what matters most to the Lord about our time here on earth, three things come to mind. 1. The relationship we develop with our Savior 2. The relationship we develop with our family 3. The relationship we develop with our fellow man...
Reaching Inward to Reach Outward

Reaching Inward to Reach Outward

I talked yesterday about the need for preparation of our hearts and minds for service experiences. Elder Henry B. Eyring said: “You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands.”...
Music as a form of Worship

Music as a form of Worship

Spencer W. Kimball was the twelfth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While he served the church he suffered from throat cancer. I was a young girl, but I remember the small raspy voice of this great man as he struggled to deliver the...
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