Sustaining Life During Difficult Times

“For many years, Church leaders have counseled members to prepare to care for themselves and their families in times of need. This includes, to the extent that local laws and personal circumstances allow, storing and saving a one-year supply of food.” (”Food Storage”,...

Adoption: An Inspired Principle

As Mormons, we believe in the God-given unit of families. The Lord intends for children to be raised in stable homes, by a father and mother who love them and who lead them back to God Himself. Here is the Church’s statement on the principle of adoption. It is an...
Understanding the Old Testament

Understanding the Old Testament

For some the Old Testament is a thick book, murky and difficult to understand. For good reason – the book has been around for thousands of years and during its many translations and re-translations, some conflicts have occurred in the record (see my previous...

Why Study the Old Testament?

I remember sitting in an institute class during college. I loved my institute classes. Although typically a Mormon college kid will take just one religion class during a college semester, I tc! But I loved having a religion class almost every day of the week, and so...

Reading and Knowing the Scriptures is Not Enough

Look at this urgent quote: “…reading and knowing the scriptures is not sufficient. that the Lord has given us should be sufficient incentive for us to acknowledge him and do his will: “‘And all saints who remember to keep and do these saying, walking in obedience to...
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