Scripture Study Technique: Visualize

One way to enhance your experience while you study the s is to visualize what you are reading. For example, let’s try it with the following scripture taken from the Book of Mormon! Alma 5:16 “…can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of...
Use Your Own Name While Reading the Scriptures

Use Your Own Name While Reading the Scriptures

For some, reading the scriptures might feel easy. Perhaps they have taken literature classes and are used to wading through new verbiage. Or maybe they have read the scriptures for years and years, and as a result they are quite familiar with scriptural languages. But...

Expecting the Unexpected

What does preparedness mean to you? As we’ve discussed before, “preparedness” really can mean so very many different things. But in all categories, preparedness seems to imply that you are ready for the unexpected. How does one go about this? How...


Here is what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon church) states about “abortion.” “” Pretty straight forward, isn’t it! And a far cry from what so many are bandying about in today’s society....

Better Able to Discern Truth from Error

We can read the following quote from one of the websites for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “When we have knowledge and wisdom, we are better able to discern truth from error and make good choices. Education and literacy are also keys to...
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