by Cindy B | Mar 10, 2008 | Home and Family
I am not the best mother. I admit. How I’d like it to be different, but try as I might, I still make mistakes. Oh, they’re not huge mistakes, but they are mistakes all the same. Like wishing I’d spent more time riding the bike with my son …...
by Cindy B | Mar 10, 2008 | Emergency Preparedness
What is a provident lifestyle? Most dictionaries will explain a provident person as having shown foresight, having prepared carefully for the unseen future. A provident family begins with provident individuals. And nowhere is there a better definition of a provident...
by Cindy B | Mar 4, 2008 | Emergency Preparedness
My heart sank as I read the news today about the plight of a homeschooling family in California. They were homeschooling because they did not want their children being taught immoral lifestyles in a public school setting. But because of political activism, their...
by Cindy B | Mar 4, 2008 | Home and Family
Sometimes as parents we struggle with certain of our children more than the others. I’ll never forget a professor I had once semester. He was the coolest guy, someone I really looked up to. So I was shocked one Monday when he came rushing in, out of breath,...
by Cindy B | Feb 29, 2008 | Home and Family
Not everyone is born into a “happy family.” Although, some are and it is a joyous thing. Those families not only seem to function well, they actually do function well. When I asked my seminary students this week about joyous families, they described them...