by Matt M | Oct 27, 2007 | Mormons
The Latin etymology of the word “mission” denotes an “act of sending.” The definition of the word “missionary” from Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary is: “a person sent on the work of a religious mission.” The idea of “being sent” is key! A “mission” is never something...
by Matt M | Oct 25, 2007 | Mormon Principles, Practices & Precepts
The basic beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon beliefs) are summarized in thirteen Articles of Faith. The 11th article states: “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow...
by Matt M | Oct 24, 2007 | Mormons
Have you ever heard a passage of scripture spoken from the pulpit, a scripture you may have read a dozen times before, and then, in a moment of bursting epiphany, the words of Christ come to your awareness as if for the first time? This . (This being my third MTC...
by Matt M | Oct 24, 2007 | Mormon Principles, Practices & Precepts
There are two basic ways that a church might be organized: 1) Mortal men negotiate and initiate an organization to the praise, and worship, and glory of God–this is good; or 2) Christ appoints prophets and apostles, ordaining them with authority to act in His...
by Matt M | Oct 23, 2007 | Mormons
In a 1959 general conference address, the president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, David O. Mckay, admonished members of the Church with a phrase now familiar and famous among Mormons: “every member a missionary.” Any church that claims...