by Tudie Rose | Oct 30, 2015 | Tudie Rose: Daily Dose
You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are! — Eckhart Tolle In other words, you are a child of God. You are so important that Heavenly Father sacrificed His own Son to bring you back to Him. You are important...
by Tudie Rose | Oct 23, 2015 | Tudie Rose: Daily Dose
The valleys of discouragement make more beautiful the peaks of achievement. — President Gordon B. Hinckley, Stand A Little Taller, Eagle Gate (2001) My dad used to say, “You have to have the bad days in order to appreciate the good ones.” Life is pretty good for me...
by Tudie Rose | Oct 16, 2015 | Tudie Rose: Daily Dose
Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. — Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1, Scene 3 My Dad put it another way, “Don’t borrow anything you can’t afford to replace.” I was looking at my kitchen...
by Tudie Rose | Oct 9, 2015 | Tudie Rose: Daily Dose
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. — Nelson Mandela I don’t deal well with life changes. I find them stressful on several levels. I have learned...
by Tudie Rose | Oct 2, 2015 | Tudie Rose: Daily Dose
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. — Antoine de Saint Exupery The quote above is something that I personally need to remember. Of the many things I need to “take away,” the biggest thing I need...