We Hear Him

We Hear Him

“I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.” The words echoed so beautifully from the voices of all in our living room. The Spirit fell upon us as everyone quieted down and reverently prepared to partake of the sacrament. The ordinance itself was rather...
Persevering Pestilences

Persevering Pestilences

Walking down the hallway, I could hear the ruckus all around. People seemed panicked again. Had someone at work contracted the coronavirus? (Most conversations as of late had revolved around that topic.) What was everyone gathering to discuss in such animated voices?...
Breaking News

Breaking News

Sitting in my office chair on my lunch break, I was suddenly numb. Could this news article even be real? It must just be a coincidence that the name and profession matched the person I knew. There was no way that someone who had helped me so much could have been a...
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