by Constance Ray | Sep 22, 2017 | Finding Happiness, Home and Family
“I have a beautiful family that I never would have had without sobriety.” – Jeff, Recovery Warrior When people fall victim to addiction, it’s not just them who suffers — those they love, especially their romantic partners, are deeply affected as well. But...
by Cindy B | Aug 12, 2017 | Finding Happiness
How comfortable are you with intimacy? I’m talking about honest-to-goodness emotional intimacy. Where you share with another person your feelings, your concerns, and the thoughts of your heart? So many of us, as we’ve passed through life, have been...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 28, 2017 | Finding Happiness, Terrie Lynn Bittner: Mormonism
What is the purpose of life? We’re here to gain a body and a family, to learn, to be tested, to develop faith, and ultimately to return to our Heavenly Father. However, the Book of Mormon also offers another interesting perspective on the purpose of our time here on...
by Nicolette Alger | Apr 29, 2016 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior, Finding Happiness
This article was previously published on Is debt bad? Leverage debt, use debt, debt is bad, debt is good, debt is a tool, etc., etc. Some financial gurus tell us “Don’t borrow, debt is bad.” Others tell us to leverage our debt. Some say...
by Gale | Nov 11, 2015 | Finding Happiness, Guest Posts
We arrived in Israel in late summer 1983 with five ingenuous kids in tow. Actually, not one of us knew what we were getting into. Culture shock set in quickly and lasted a long time. Although there was a kindly community of savvy Mormons there to help out (just as...
by Valerie Steimle | Mar 21, 2015 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior, Finding Happiness, Home and Family, Valerie Steimle: Strengthening Families
Patience is a virtue. I had to repeat that phrase to myself many times this past week. Challenges come in many ways to families. A difficult child, physical limitations, financial struggles, mental illness, and other assorted trials in the form of learning how to deal...