Christ Knows Our Suffering

Christ Knows Our Suffering

I was out enjoying a summer stroll with my husband one evening when my cell phone rang. It was from a friend I knew through church. Her doctor’s appointment that morning had brought devastating news: the 20-week-old fetus she’d been carrying was dead. My friend was...
Focusing On What God Has Given Me

Focusing On What God Has Given Me

This post was originally published in 2008. Minor changes have been made.   A couple of weeks ago, my younger sister (younger by six and a half years) got married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. Since that day, I cannot count the number of times that I have been...
The Sin of Pride

The Sin of Pride

Jacob, the third prophet of the Book of Mormon, warned his people of the sin of pride. Today, we tend to praise pride as a value, but never does the Book of Mormon speak of pride as a virtue. God just doesn’t see pride the way we do today. Jacob warned:   13 And...
Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure

I must admit that I am an avid reader. So much so that I have on more than one occasion been called a bookworm. When I was a child, (when I first started really reading) one of my favorite book series was Choose Your Own Adventure. In these books, there were many...
The Very Thought of Thee

The Very Thought of Thee

One of my favorite Hymns in the LDS Hymn Book was written by a Frenchman in the middle of the dark ages. Born in the year 1091, Bernard of Clairvaux lived more than a thousand years after the great apostasy, which resulted in the removal of the priesthood from the...
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