Final 100 Days

Final 100 Days

Imagine for a moment that you know the exact date of your death. In exactly 100 days, you will no longer be here on the earth.   What will you do in your final days? What or who will become a priority? What or who will no longer be a priority?   Get Rid of...
Time Passes

Time Passes

Tick   Wow! Less than five months left until your son comes home? That went so fast!   Tock   You must be counting down the weeks now!   Tick   It feels like he just left!   Tock   Time has ceased to have its usual course of action...
Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Earlier this week, the Sister missionaries who serve in our ward sat with me as we waited for an investigator to meet with us. Since he was late, we had time to chat.   The Sisters quietly asked me if there were something they needed to do differently in our ward...
Plan and Prepare and Then Do

Plan and Prepare and Then Do

Imagine that you are about to go explore the Artic. As you step off the plane into the frigid Arctic winds, you realize that you do not have a coat, boots, nor any other necessary item for survival in this harsh environment.   None of us is so foolish as to...
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