Getting More Done In My Day

Getting More Done In My Day

Monday’s emails with our missionary generated the usual question, “Mom, whatcha doing today?” I responded with an outline of my day’s To-Do-List. My son’s response was quick and to the point, “Mom, be sure to do your scripture study first. Everything else will fall...
Mission Half-Time

Mission Half-Time

52 weeks down, 52 weeks to go!   Our Elder is now halfway through his mission, and he has changed so much! Okay, not exactly changed, more like someone took the very best parts of him and boiled off all of the excesses. Our missionary is now a more concentrated...
Change Is a Good Thing

Change Is a Good Thing

Missions are all about change. The initial change of leaving home, family, and friends. The changes to lifestyle. The changes to … well, just about everything from how you dress to how you interact with others!   In addition to these initial changes, there are...
Stay in the Game

Stay in the Game

And, behold, it is because that you did not continue as you commenced … that I have taken away this privilege from you. Doctrine and Covenants 9:5   Our youngest daughter loves soccer. This is her second season and her teammates are all older than she is, with a...
The Warriors Behind the Warrior

The Warriors Behind the Warrior

Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I just miss my son. It will be hard to breathe and my heart literally aches with the heaviness of wanting to wrap my arms around him. Most days, I am used to this new normalcy. Yet, sometimes I gasp tears of sorrow, desperate to hug...
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