The Joy of the Gospel

The Joy of the Gospel

My last article explained the difference between happiness and joy. While it was published after general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it was actually written before general conference. I was amazed during general conference at some...
Happiness vs. Joy

Happiness vs. Joy

We all want to be happy. That’s a given. I think we would all agree, however, that sometimes we get confused as to the definition of happiness. We are told to be “joyful.” Indeed, the scriptures tell us, “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have...
Teaching Resilience

Teaching Resilience

Panic attacks and anxiety seem to be running rampant in our society—at least in my neck of the woods. More and more we are seeing young adults who don’t have the skills needed to cope in the real world. My heart goes out to them. As a mother, I want to give them all...
Faith and Obedience

Faith and Obedience

Recently, I quizzed a group of friends about how things are going in their wards (local congregations) at church. Our leaders have made a number of important changes over the last couple of years. As these changes were made, my group of friends had several lively...
You Need Not Suffer Alone

You Need Not Suffer Alone

Recently, I found out that good friends of ours had been going through something that no one should ever have to go through. My husband and I were shocked that they had been going through this for two whole years without saying a word. There were some people around us...
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