What Scriptures Did Nephi Have?

What Scriptures Did Nephi Have?

There was a time when we could hear God the Father’s teachings at His knee. We lived in His presence and had regular opportunities to receive training, counsel, and comfort directly from Him. Then we agreed, at His request, to come here to earth to live for a time....
Moroni–More Than a Statue

Moroni–More Than a Statue

Moroni is most often known to people outside the church as the figure on the statue topping most of the Mormon temples. Have you ever wondered who he is and why he’s on our temples? Moroni was a prophet who lived in the time when the events of the Book of Mormon...
Moroni–More Than a Statue

Seraphim and Angels

Anyone who has seen a temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (incorrectly known as the Mormon Church) has seen the impressive statue of a man with a trumpet that tops most temples. This man is actually an angel named Moroni. A close-up view of the...
The Book of Mormon and Modesty

The Book of Mormon and Modesty

Does this sound familiar to you? “Moreover, the Lord saith: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet—“ This certainly seems to describe the...
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