by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Dec 22, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
You have so much to learn from the missionaries when they come to visit you. How can you best prepare for the visit? Before they arrive for their appointment, prepare the setting and the family. Your house doesn’t need to be perfect, but do bring it to a level that...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Dec 22, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
Primary is for children ages three to eleven. In addition, there is a nursery for children from eighteen months until they are old enough to attend the regular Primary classes. Children are assigned to classes based on their ages. In smaller wards (congregations),...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Dec 22, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
If you’ve never been religious, or you’ve come from a religion where Heavenly Father is seen as a distant, misty sort of being, you may find it challenging to build a relationship with Him. Suddenly you’ve been instructed to love someone who is nearly a stranger to...
by Freddi H | Dec 14, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
Our ward boundaries just changed. After four years of learning and growing with wonderful people in one area, our family is now going to go to a different ward. We’ll go to a new building, get new teachers, settle the kids in again. But if there is one thing...
by Andrya L | Dec 6, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
During the time that the adults are in Sunday School and Relief Society (for women) or Priesthood (for men), children over 18 months old will be in their own classes. Children 18 months to 3 years participate in Nursery. This classroom will have a few to several...
by Andrya L | Dec 6, 2007 | Becoming a New Member
There are three different meetings that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participate in during regular Sabbath observance. Sacrament Meeting is the most important meeting of all and is where we partake of the emblems of the body and blood of...