Walter Penning

Walter comes from a large family. He learned the value of hard work as a young man on the farm in Southern Utah. Country life required dedication, perseverance, and responsibility—often in the midst of drudgery. This training served him well, however. Many times throughout his life, these experiences made all the difference and helped determine the success of business or personal ventures. Walter refused to quit when prospects seem bleak and the outcome uncertain. As a result, he is a BYU graduate and a successful business owner.

His most important role is husband and father. Walter has five beautiful daughters and a sturdy son. His family is the focus of his life and their happiness and welfare the drive for all that he does. He and his wife have always tried to teach their children the importance of hard work and the benefits derived therefrom. They provide opportunities for their children to grow and develop their talents.

He met his sweetheart on the dance floor. Walter says “She swept me off my feet the night we met and continues to do so every day of my life.”

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