by Delisa Hargrove | Jun 23, 2019 | Delisa Hargrove: Applying Gospel Principles
Our 5-year-old bulldog Stig LOVES going for a ride in the truck. When my husband or I say those magic words or Stig’s watchful eye catches us looking at him invitingly, he immediately jumps ups and races down the hallway and plants his gigantic face followed by...
by Moira T | Jun 21, 2019 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior
This post was originally published in May 2008. Minor changes have been made. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Remember this nursery rhyme? Does anyone out there really believe that words can’t hurt us? Words do hurt!...
by Randall McNeely | Jun 18, 2019 | Randall McNeely: Pure Testimony
I came walking upstairs from the basement the other day and found this simple yet profound message made from pipe cleaners hanging on the wall: Princess Julia, as I call her, our household joy spreader, made it and placed it on the wall as a reminder for...
by Patty Sampson | Jun 17, 2019 | Patty Sampson: Christian Life
I’ve collected quotes for as long as I can remember. In the days before everything could fit on a thumb drive, I used to have binders full of them. They were inspirational and uplifting. They kept me focused on what mattered and helped me find peace when life...
by Sonja Hopkins | Jun 14, 2019 | Sonja Hopkins: Sonja's Safe Harbor
He said to write in my journal? He said it was a commandment! So, that means if I don’t do it, Heavenly Father will get mad?! I hate that! I don’t want to write in my journal! I don’t even HAVE a journal, anyway! ...