Smelling the Eternal Roses

Smelling the Eternal Roses

On February 3, 2019, my dear mother passed away after a long battle with various health challenges. Though it was hard to say goodbye, in my heart I know It was a blessing that she could finally go and be relieved of her suffering, and also have the chance to meet and...


I have always wanted to be a handyman around the house. The garage door has issues, a sink in the bathroom drips, a door lock needs to be replaced—all these are relatively simple tasks given a little knowledge and some time. But I couldn’t do any of these things...
Faith is Our Fortress

Faith is Our Fortress

There is a lot on my mind since the April 2019 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I felt through the whole conference that we are being warned to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ now, as there is not much time left. One of the...
Finding Peace in the Car

Finding Peace in the Car

I like the idea of world peace. But I don’t know if I can contribute much to world peace until I can create peace in my own car. With six children in an ever-shrinking, confined space, finding peace is no small task.   There are usually fights over the seat by...
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