Don’t Take Your Marriage for Granted

Don’t Take Your Marriage for Granted

Occasionally, someone drops a load of bricks on my head to remind me not to get too complacent in my marriage.  Taking my marriage for granted could be very dangerous.  The first load of bricks hit me in my career as a legal secretary.  I worked in many law offices,...

Be Content with the Things of Christ

There are many around us, in fact the world seems to be almost entirely focused on achievement, competition, perfection, and material possessions. There are more ways advertised in all the media we encounter every day to be better, have more, and change who we are to...
Becoming Something

Becoming Something

How many of us have a clear purpose in life? How many of us can say we have a vision of who we are and what we were meant to be in this world? Some of us may have more knowledge than others. Within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a little more...
True Beauty

True Beauty

There has been a lot said recently about a certain new children’s book. Apparently the whole premise of the book is to prepare a child for their mother’s upcoming plastic surgery. At this point I become very torn. While the nurse in me agrees that children definitely...
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