The Hike

The Hike

The summit of Mount Timpanogos is 11,749 feet, second highest peak in the Wasatch Mountain Front. I consider the hike from the Timpooneke Trail head to be one of the best hikes in Utah. Reaching the summit will require 4 1/2 hours. The summit is 7.5 miles one-way with...
In Vain

In Vain

For some reason, I have been reminiscing recently with some old songs and artists from my youth: Jim Croce, England Dan and John Ford Coley, Simon & Garfunkel.  You may be familiar with them or not–I realize they are ancient.     Those musicians still...
The Race of Life

The Race of Life

I love a good story.   Some of my favorites come from family or personal experiences; others come from third parties that have a brilliant message to share. Regardless, they are worth repeating and remembering. You decide:   During the 1968 Olympics in...


All my life I have had the privilege of coming to a happy  home at the end of the day. I never realized what a tremendous blessing this was and regularly took it for granted.   I don’t take it for granted anymore.   When I packed up my things and left work...
Lesson for Life

Lesson for Life

Miracles happen all around us—small and large—they occur in our midst, and we frequently hear of them if we look for them. I want to tell you about a lesson in this light I learned as a boy.   The evenings in Castle Valley were comfortable and beautiful. As the...
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