If you’re a teenager you probably have a MySpace account. These social networking sites are so popular with teens today. In fact, with the exception of a handful of sites, most of these social networking sites are aimed at teenagers and young adults.

mormon teenagersMySpace was featured heavily in news reports across the country some time ago amidst concerns of inappropriate access and other related charges. I did a quick search and pulled up this article about the dangers of MySpace reported on KSL.com in Utah in February 2006. It may be a year and a half later but the same issues and concerns continue today, at least for me.

As a mother of teenagers who are also danger lurking online. I’m not just talking about the potential danger of abduction and molestation that can happen if you share personal information about yourself. I’m not just talking about the dangers of identity theft that has already put a large number of innocent people at risk. These are real threats and you should be concerned about them.

The danger that I want to address is not as obvious. It is the slow but sure poisoning of your mind and Spirit. I’ve seen the kind of content that is available on some MySpace sites. I know that there is nothing illegal about the content or the images. However, a lot of them are very suggestive and the language can be highly offensive. When such content is constantly in your face you can’t help but think about it and see it in your mind’s eye, even when you don’t want to.

You are all special to the Lord. He expects you to use the body and the mind he gave you wisely. When your mind is filled with unworthy thoughts and images it is going to be really hard to feel the prompting of the spirit. Elder Rulon G. Craven of the Seventy said, “Our mind, throughout the day, is continually active. We choose the avenues of thought that our mind travels. Allowing worldly thoughts to enter your mind can lead to unrighteous acts. As we travel the highways of life, our physical senses are continually bombarded with billboards, posters, magazines, videos, movies, etc., that entice and tempt the mind and, if allowed, create mental pictures that are not becoming to a Latter-day Saint. When evil thoughts arise—Stop! Think! Control your mind! Visualize a large EXIT sign in your mind’s eye. Immediately change your thoughts. Get off of that avenue of thinking.”

I know that you can password protect your site and you can control who has access it. This is good. I hope that one of the friends you invite to your network is your mom or dad or another trusted family member. If you are going to continue using MySpace be smart about it. Invite only those friends that you know and trust to be in your network. Do not allow postings that are offensive or rude. Tell your network of friends that you will not allow swearing and any deragotory remarks. Under no circumstances at all should you allow suggestive pictures to be posted on your site. It is demoralizing and unworthy of you and the friend who sent it!

As a mother I plead with all of you to stay far away from anything that can poison your minds. If you have time please read this excellent talk by President Boyd K. Packer where he counseled all youth saying that “you must be on guard.”

As I’ve said before and will probably say again and again, there is nothing inherently evil or wrong about the Internet. It is only when it is misused for evil purposes that it becomes a problem. There is nothing inherently wrong with social networking. It is how we use them that it becomes either a tool for good or for bad.

Let me suggest some ways that you as a youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can use this tool for good. Why not start a MySpace network of friends to talk about ideas for Young Men and Young Women activities? Why not start a network of MySpace friends where you can encourage other youth to reach out to nonmember teens in your schools and communities? Why not start a network of MySpace friends where you and other LDS youth from all over the world can share your testimonies of the gospel? Perhaps we already have such networks of friends on MySpace today. If so, that is wonderful but you can still start one if you want to.

I want to say to all of you that we love you. As mothers and fathers we are so proud of you. We know what you are facing and we know that you can be strong. We know that you are the future and we look forward to seeing all of you achieve the potential that we all see in you. We look forward to seeing you fully utilize the talents and the intellect our Lord blessed you with to serve him and your fellow man.

About Moira T

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