In case you haven’t heard yet, LDS Public Affairs now has a YouTube page. At the time of this post there are a total of seven videos featuring Elder M. Russell Ballard addressing seven different questions. Each video is about 1 to 2 minutes long. The seven questions he addresses are:

jesus christ mormon1. Do Mormons worship Jesus Christ in their services?
2. How are Mormon beliefs similar to other Christians?
3. Is there scientific proof authenticating the Book of Mormon?
4. Are Mormons Christian?
5. Why do people say Mormonism is a cult?
6. How do Mormon beliefs differ from other Christians?
7. Does the Church support political candidates?

Click here to see each video in its entirety.

We are so fortunate to be alive in such an amazing era. We’ve witnessed the gospel take root and flourish in many parts of the world. We’ve witnessed events that have allowed the gospel to be preached in countries that were closed off to such endeavors before. We are all witnesses to the ongoing fulfillment of a mandate given to us by the Lord to teach the gospel to all people. But there is still a lot to be done. There are still millions of people who have not yet had an opportunity to hear and receive the gospel.

Today we communication enables us today to share the gospel with a wider audience and in less time than we were ever able to before. The LDS Public Affairs videos on YouTube is a great use of technology to proclaim the gospel.

Those of us who are now enjoying membership in the gospel and all the blessings that come with it also need to utilize these tools to further the work so that others can have the same blessings in their lives. Email a non-member friend and invite them to go to church with you. Share your testimony on a blog like this one. Those of you who like to text, send a text message to an inactive family member sharing your love of the gospel and invite them to come back.

The next time you find yourself online consider these thoughts by our leaders:

“We are blessed to be living in such an exciting gospel dispensation. God is inspiring the minds of great people to create inventions that further the work of the Lord in ways this world has never known.” Elder Russell M. Nelson.

“As members of the Lord’s Church, we must take missionary work more seriously. The Lord’s commission to “preach the gospel to every creature” will never change in our dispensation. We have been greatly blessed with the material means, the technology, and an inspired message to bring the gospel to all men. More is expected of us than any previous generation. Where “much is given much is required.” President Ezra Taft Benson.

“Advances in travel and communication have helped the institutional Church move forward at a rapid pace in proclaiming the gospel. Media referrals are introducing our missionaries to more investigators. Church-produced videos help the missionaries explain the gospel message and the mission of the Church. But are we as individuals doing our part to move this holy work forward? Today the information highway, with all of its means of communication, affords an opportunity for us to carry the mission with a thousandfold greater speed and ease than Peter, James, and John and the other intrepid disciples. Thousands of messengers, their feet shod with the gospel of peace, now go forth with the message of God. Technology provides significant support to the ongoing mission of the Church…We now have hundreds of stakes outside of the United States. Advances in communication and travel during this last century have hastened the pace at which the word of the Lord goes out from Zion. I feel much like Isaiah, who spoke of our time, when “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” I believe that this marvelous outpouring of knowledge has heightened our ability to take the Lord’s saving message to the world…” President James E. Faust.

I want to end this post with my testimony. I know God lives. Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I am thankful for his atoning sacrifice. I am ever so grateful that he loved me enough to die for me. I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God called to restore his Church in this dispensation. I am thankful for his courage and his faith. I know that President Hinckley is our living Prophet today. I am blessed to have the gospel in my life. It has made all the difference in the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

About Moira T

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