More and more faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ .

whywebelieve MormonSo what is a blog anyway? A blog (short for weblog) is an online journal that is accessible to the public. Blogs have evolved. Today blogs may have a single author or multiple authors. A blog can simply be one person’s musings on his or her private life or it can be a forum for people within an organization to exchange information. It can also serve as venue for people with similar interests to promote and share their thoughts and beliefs. Most blogs allow readers to comment on articles. Blogs also have the capability of linking to other sites on the Internet. Pictures and videos can also be uploaded on a blog. Blogs are typically updated daily with the most recent post shown on top.

Blogs are fairly easy to create even for a beginner. Free blog hosting is available at sites such as and

Now here’s a brief review of other LDS related blogs and sites. Other writers of this blog have already discussed the Church’s official website which can be accessed at so I won’t cover it here. However, I do want to add that it is the best and the most comrehensive site for information about The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Please note that the blogs and websites I’m reviewing here are by no means the only ones available. I was fairly selective and chose only those blogs that met certain criteria such as:

1. The blog or site is Christ centered and discusses gospel principles and practices in a faith promoting manner.
2. The blog or site is updated on a regular basis.
3. The blog or site is well done and is easy to use.
4. The blog’s author or authors and/or their affiliation is clearly identifiable.

I intend to review 3 to 5 LDS related blogs at least once a month so if I didn’t cover your favorite one today keep checking, it might be coming soon.

Book of Mormon Inspection
The author of this blog is a life-long member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints. He is a return missionary and has degrees from BYU and Southern Methodist University. As the title suggests, his blog focuses on the Book of Mormon. He offers personal commentary and his testimony about the Book of Mormon.

LDS Mission Network
LDS Mission Network is “the oldest and most comprehensive index of missionary Web sites—a volunteer service by returned missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
This is an excellent site with information on every mission organized since 1837. An invaluable resource for anyone preparing to go on a mission especially overseas. Typical information provided for each of the missions include a history of the mission, information on present and past mission presidents, an overview of the country and language or languages spoken, a searchable alumni database, and upcoming events related to that mission.

LDS Today
One of the best sites for resources and news for Latter-day-Saints.
The site is very easy to use. One of my favorite features is a link for LDS sheet music that is available for free or for purchase. Links to articles and resources related to the Church’s three-fold mission are featured prominently on the homepage.

Know Your Neighbor
Have you ever wanted to tell your neighbors about the gospel but just didn’t know quite how to go about it? Well, help is here. The Know Your Neighbor website and blog was created to provide resources to help individuals, groups, wards, and stakes reach out to others within their communities. This is a great resource for anyone trying to fellowship either one person, families, or large groups.

About Moira T

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