One of my favorite techniques for studying the scriptures is using the tool known as the Topical Guide. It can be found placed directly after the Old and New Testaments in the King James version of the Bible, as published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

book mormonThe Topical Guide includes a useful concordance that simply is an alphabetical index to many of the subjects and topics contained in the Bible. Now, of course, it might be impossible to list all subjects and all topics contained in the Bible itself. an amazing amount of information.

The Topical Guide is a useful tool to help you in your studies, whether in church or at home in private. Its use is particularly helpful because not only does it list a sampling of topical scriptures contained in the Bible, it also gives a brief summary of each referenced verse.

So for example, if I wanted to learn more about the topic, “Abide,” I could turn to the Topical Guide. Looking alphabetically I would find the term, “Abide,” listed on the first page of the Topical Guide. Looking on that page, I would find it as the second word in the second column (right after Abiathar – the individual who brought the ark back to Jerusalem).

Not only would I see a full assortment of scriptures to aid me in my study of the word “Abide,” I would also find helpful synonyms listed in parentheses immediately after the topic of choice. For example, listed as adjunct study topics to “Abide” are subjects such as “Dwell; Inhabit; Lodge; Sojourn.” These additional terms hold much potential to enrich and deepen your scriptural studies, for whichever topic you choose.

In this case, below the heading for the word “Abide” (and its additional suggested study terms) is a list of helpful Biblical verses that await your study regarding this topic. For example, “Psalm 15:1 Lord, who shall a. in thy tabernacle; . . .” is listed as is “Jeremiah 42:10 If ye will still a. in this land; . . .”, amongst many others.

One recommendation I would make as you begin this very fun pastime and scriptural approach – keep a log of your studies! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found a very fruitful scriptural term, enjoyed the lengthy scriptural chain of ensuing scripture after scripture . . . only to wish later I’d recorded what useful information I’d found!

Yes, indeed, the Topical Guide to the Bible is an amazing tool and will open many refreshing study moments to your mind, your heart, and therefore your life.

About Cindy B

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