In this day and age we are frequently tempted to stray away from the path of chastity and virtue, and the temptations are focusing on younger generations.
Satan knows if he can get to you in your youth, odds are he’ll have you for life. He encourages you to seek after pleasures, not thinking about the after-effects of your choices. Yet the decision to act selfishly, to satisfy your own desires, can only bring unhappiness.
Elder Boyd K. Packer, leader in the Mormon church, has written:
“In former times [Satan] was too cunning to confront one with an open invitation to be immoral. But rather, sneakingly and quietly, he would tempt young and old alike to think loosely of these sacred powers of creation, to bring down to a vulgar or to a common level that which is sacred and beautiful.
“His tactics have changed now. He describes it only as an appetite to be satisfied. He teaches that there are no attendant responsibilities to the uses of this power. Pleasure, he will tell you, is its sole purpose. You grow up in a society where before you is the constant invitation to tamper with these sacred powers.”
Does this sound familiar? Many times we are confronted with the words, “If it feels good, do it.” Most especially in the media do we see the idea of chastity being treated loosely, not to mention being made to look vulgar and common. Numerous people all over the world believe this idea. They may not come to realize, until it’s too late, that pleasure only lasts a moment. It is joy that can last forever, but only if we hearken to the councils of the Lord and his leaders.
Elder Packer continues:
“I want to counsel you and I want you to remember these words. Do not let anyone at all touch or handle your body, not anyone! Those who tell you otherwise proselyte you to share their guilt. We teach you to maintain your innocence.”
Have you ever heard the term, “Misery loves company”? Well, it’s true. And those who have acted too quickly in giving up their chastity are miserable, no matter how much they scream and yell that they aren’t. They want you down on their level, to be as miserable as they have become. In this effort they’ll say just about anything to entice you, guilt you, or badger you into joining them. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard someone say they regret not sleeping with more people before leaving high school. If anything, they have all wished to go back and undo this sin.
Elder Packer warns:
“I must tell you soberly and seriously that God has declared in unmistakable language that misery and sorrow will follow the violation of the laws of chastity. ‘Wickedness never was happiness’ (Alma 41:10). These laws were set up to guide all of His children in the use of this gift.
“He does not have to be spiteful or vengeful in order that punishment will come from the breaking of the moral code. The laws are established of themselves.
“Crowning glory awaits you if you live worthily. The loss of the crown may well be punishment enough. Often, very often, we are punished as much by our sins as we are for them.”
Even if it takes a few years, your choices will come back to haunt you. Regret inevitably sets in. I am happy to report all is not lost. The good news for those who have strayed from the path of morality is this: there is hope. If you have given in to immorality, and have a sincere desire to wipe the slate clean, you have the gift of repentance.
For those of you outside of the LDS Church, baptism washes away every previous sin, and you can stand clean before the Lord. For those of you within this church, the opportunity to stand clean is also given. Go to your bishop. He is there to help guide you through these steps. I have witnessed for myself what miracles can be fashioned by following these steps. It is not easy to come back to a righteous way of living, but I solemnly promise you it is so worth it.
I can testify of this.