It’s a tricky subject at any age. No one really wants to talk about it, yet the importance of an open and honest discussion is becoming vital.
Over the next few posts I’m going to tackle the topic of the sacred power of procreation, the blessings of keeping chaste, and the effects of choosing the wrong path.
A major part of helping this plan work would be the formation of families, and the power to help those family lines continue.
This power is called procreation – the creation of life. Each one of our bodies has been blessed with this power. It is both sacred and critical to the continuing of Heavenly Father’s plan. If the functioning, family unit were ever damaged, so too would the plan be impaired.
Satan knew this. He was there when the original plan was presented. When banished from Heavenly Father’s presence, Satan and his followers were denied the opportunity to ever have a body, and he became dangerously jealous. He began to devise various plans of his own to destroy all that Heavenly Father wanted for us.
He’s had thousands of years to experiment. It certainly hasn’t been the first time he’s attacked the family unit. Over time he’s managed to refine his efforts. As the world has changed, so has he. Satan’s tactics to undermine everything Heavenly Father has put together will remain devious.
Today, it all starts with a kiss.
I admit to being a romantic at heart. A good love story is right up my alley. Whether in a movie, a television show, or a book, I’m all for watching the guy get the girl. Or vice versa. The thing is, it used to take some of my favorite T.V. couples years to get to the first kiss.
Fast forward to today. What used to be thought of as a sweet and tender moment to be cherished is now something given away without a thought. Satan has led us to believe one kiss won’t hurt. Give it away to anyone. The younger you are, the better. That way you can kiss as many people as possible.
Sound familiar?
In less than twenty years it’s frightening to see just how far Satan has convinced the world to “push the limits.” Shows and movies for and about the youth are geared towards convincing them there are no consequences for dipping into those waters. At least, there is no consequence too serious.
Therefore I am here to tell you, cherish that first kiss. It is something special. Guys and girls, do not give it away carelessly. Do not give in to the pressure of a first kiss merely out of curiosity, or because everyone else is doing it. A first kiss can never be taken back. Once it’s gone there is no going back, and more often than not it’s the first step on a road you’ve been warned not to travel.
Cherish that first kiss. It’s the only one you have.