Children’s author, Lori Conger, agreed to share with us her thoughts and testimony:
I am an author, a teacher, and most importantly, a mother of four. I have been blessed in my life to be able to do many things I love, like writing (my children’s picture book My Squishy Pants just came out, and I am working on many other writing projects as well), substitute teaching at the local elementary schools, reading great books, playing (and even coaching some) volleyball, and being a full-time mother. I also had the opportunity of serving a full-time mission in Utica, New York, which was a wonderful experience. I now live in Kaysville, Utah with my husband, Daniel, and our children. I have been given so much. (Lori Conger, 29 July 2008)
Candace: As an author of children’s literature you have a unique love and connection with the children of the world. Will you please share with us the value children have in the eyes of our Lord?
Lori? From the time I was very small I was taught that I was a child of God, that He heard my prayers and that He loved me. I think it was the most valuable principle my parents ever instilled in me, for it gave me a sense of self worth and a knowledge of who I was and what my purpose was here on earth. I felt His love many times as a child and knew that He knew me, just as He knows and loves all of His children.
One of my favorite scriptural accounts is found in 3 Nephi, Chapter 17, when the Savior took the little children in his arms and blessed them and prayed for them. It is one of the most beautiful accounts of the Savior portraying His love, and He does it to the children. It is no wonder He always taught to “suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not” (Matt. 19:14). In the Book of Mormon we are taught to become like little children (Mosiah 3:19), and I love the scripture in Matthew 18, verse 10 that reminds us to not despise “these little ones,” for their angels always behold the face of God. Yes, God loves little children.
Candace: What is your favorite scripture and why?
Lori I have many favorite scriptures, but one that I have relied on many times in my life is Helaman 5:12, where we are taught to build our foundation on the “rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God.” As the influences of the world become stronger and many voices pull for our attention, this scripture reminds me that I need only to make sure I am firmly grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then, no matter what Satan tries or how strong his influence may seem, I will not–cannot–fall. What a remarkable promise!
Candace: Who is your favorite prophet and why?
Lori: I would have to say that my favorite prophet is whomever is the current prophet (is it cheating to say that?). I am so profoundly grateful for a living prophet and feel humbled and blessed to live at such a time when we have divine guidance through a prophet of God that I find myself loving and appreciating whomever is filling that divine calling. Each prophet in my lifetime has influenced my life in tremendous ways. Could you imagine the world without a David O. Mckay or Ezra Taft Benson, or especially a Gordon B. Hinckley? Me niether! So, right now, my favorite prophet is President Thomas S. Monson.
Candace: Will you please share with us your conversion? All of us, whether we are born into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or not, have a moment of conversion, please share?
Lori: I have to say that I do not have a “moment” of conversion, for my conversion came line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little until I found my heart full with a sincere and profound knowledge and love of the Lord and His church. I do distinctly remember, however, standing in the front of our chapel one Sunday morning in May of 1986, only a few days after our elementary school had been held hostage (miraculously no one but our captors had lost their lives–even after a bomb had exploded) and singing “I Am a Child of God,” and knowing deep within my heart that I truly was and that He had been aware of our situation and intervened to save us. Then, as a teenager, when President Benson directed us to read the Book of Mormon every day, I took that challenge, and without really knowing it then, it changed my life. I grew to love and honor that sacred book, and it gave me a deep and abiding testimony of the Savior and a desire to live the life He would want me to live.
Candace: Will you please share your personal testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ?
Lori: I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know He is real, that He came to earth to do His Father’s will, to live and die for each of us. I know that because He loves us deeply He has continued to call living prophets throughout time to help us know the truth and the way to live to gain eternal life. I know that every good thing in my life is because of my Savior and Redeemer, who made it possible for me to have true and lasting peace and joy, and I love Him so much for that.
Candace: Christians across the globe face an ever-increasing battle against those who would destroy and erase all that our Savior has done for us. What would you say to them, given the chance?
Lori I think I would say something similar to what Alma told Korihor in the thirtieth chapter of Alma. Korihor kept denying that there is a Christ. Alma shared with Korihor his testimony and then asked a profound question, “And now, what evidence have ye that there is no God or that Christ cometh not? I say unto you that ye have none, save it be your word only.” Then he continues by saying that he had all things as a testimony that they are true.
I would hope to share a simple, powerful testimony and then encourage them to sincerely seek for truth, to be honest with themselves, and to go to God, rather than the world, for answers.
Candace: Please share your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope it brings to every human soul.
Lori: I know God lives, that He is our Father, and that He hears and answers our prayers. I know He wants us to find true and lasting peace and happiness, and that is why He created a Plan that allowed us to come to earth to learn and grow. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, that He lives, and that He provided the way for us to return Home again someday. I know we are led by a prophet of God, President Thomas S. Monson, and that the truth was restored to the earth in the spring of 1820 when God and His Son appeared to Joseph Smith in a grove of trees in upstate New York. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that it has the power to bring us to Christ. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom on earth today. I know that God loves us more deeply than we could ever understand and that is why He gave us commandments and guidelines so that we would know how to live and be happy. The Gospel is true and it is real. Of that I am sure.
Candace: You stand, as it were, on a world stage. In that circumstance, what message do you have for this troubled world?
Lori: We live in a miraculous time! There is so much to rejoice in and hope for. The truth is on the earth and there is a way for every human soul to find it. The heavens are open, God is waiting, and He will answer every sincere desire for truth. There is a way to live and be at peace, even in troubled times, for we need only to follow the living Prophet. We need not be in despair. God lives. He is aware of us, and He will lead and guide us if we let Him.
Lori, thank you for dropping by and sharing your testimony with all the readers of