Have you ever thought about the power of a word? For some reason, I’ve always loved words. Even when I was a kid. Shhhh, I’ll tell you a secret. OK, well, maybe not so secret since I’m posting it here on this blog … but when I was a kid, I used to read the dictionary.


No, seriously. I really did. I was fascinated by the power of words. And at one point when I was in junior high, my quiet goal was to read every word in the dictionary I owned.


I’m here to tell you that I didn’t achieve that far-reaching goal. But I did gain a love of the printed word. And guess where that love has benefitted me the most? That’s right — in my scripture study.


I can’t tell you how many times while reading the scriptures that the Spirit of the Lord will prompt me with a quiet impression to look up the meaning of a word. It usually is a word I’ve just barely read.


Originally, when these subtle thoughts came to mind, I’d respond with, “But I already KNOW that meaning!” (Yes, okay, that’s a bit prideful — I’ll admit it — but at least I’m honest!)


But the Spirit of God can work with anyone if they’re willing to hearken. And eventually I became more amenable and willing. And as I followed the subtle promptings of the Spirit of God, an entirely new and richer world of understanding opened to my mind.


For example, one time I was reading in the scriptures about the Lord desiring a peculiar people. Now, in today’s vernacular it’s not real “cool” to be peculiar. So at first blush, being peculiar didn’t seem desirable. I mused on this and an impression came to my mind to look up the term in the dictionary. So I did.


That’s when I learned the other definitions of the word “peculiar.” To be peculiar means to be uncommon, unusual, and distinctive in character. It also means to belong exclusively to a particular person or thing.


I began to catch a much deeper understanding of why the Lord would have a peculiar people. He desires a people that belong to him and that are uncommon and distinctive in character. This is a good thing. I could now see much better and understand much better what the Lord’s prophet was attempting to teach through his record in the scriptures!


All because I used the dictionary to help me in my scripture study! If you’d like to try it, simply click here to begin your study of the scriptures.

About Cindy B

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