When was the last time you witnessed a miracle? In a world full of so much sorrow and evil, it sometimes overwhelms the good. The Lord’s hand is still visible if we look. I have seen Him working in the lives of many that I love. I have seen His miracles.
The other day I ran across an interesting quote from Walt Whitman.
“To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.”
(Walt Whitman, Miracles)

Moses 6:63— And behold, all things have their alikeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.
The earth is His; it was created by His hand and still resonates His love for us. As a disciple of Christ I have declared myself to be His. When I allow myself to be molded and guided by that same hand, I too, bare witness of His goodness. The world, and my life, is full of everyday miracles.
Did I notice the blanket of freshly fallen snow that covered winter’s gray, or was I too busy wishing for spring? Or how about the time I went grocery shopping, got everything that I needed, and managed to stay within budget, too?
Think about:
A friend stopping by or sending you a note without knowing how badly you needed to be loved that day.
The birds that delight your two-year-old when they come to the feeder.
The song that touches your heart and lifts your spirit.
All things testify of Him.
These are everyday miracles that if we aren’t looking for them, may be missed entirely. If we put ourselves more in tune to the Spirit of God, it opens our eyes. We become more aware of the blessings that are abounding in our lives. No matter how dark a day may seem, there is always light if we will seek it out. Or, we can choose to turn our backs in favor of the darkness created by dwelling on our trials, fears, pains, and other negative aspects of this world. If we look to that light, and pay attention to the everyday ways God touches our lives, He takes those patches of darkness that find their way into our hearts and lightens them. He is better able to bear our burdens when we are acknowledging all the tiny ways He is all ready doing so.
1. Earth, with her ten thousand flow’rs,
Air, with all its beams and show’rs,
Heaven’s infinite expanse,
Sea’s resplendent countenance—
All around and all above
Bear this record: God is love.2. Sounds among the vales and hills,
In the woods and by the rills,
Of the breeze and of the bird,
By the gentle murmur stirred—
Sacred songs, beneath, above,
Have one chorus: God is love.3. All the hopes that sweetly start
From the fountain of the heart,
All the bliss that ever comes
To our earthly human homes,
All the voices from above
Sweetly whisper: God is love.(“God Is Love,” Hymns #87)