I love the story of the woman with the “issue of blood” told about in Mark 5:25-34. It’s a story about reaching for Christ, very literally. The woman had a problem that she’d carried for years. There was no help for her, until she heard of Jesus and her faith was renewed and shown a focus. When Jesus came through the streets and crowds thronged to meet Him, her only desire was to get close enough to touch Him. She knew that a brief touch with something so good and so pure would have a deep impact on her life. She had faith in His divine ability to make her whole again.


It couldn’t have been an easy thing to come that close to Christ through the masses of people pressing for His attention. She managed however, for just a brief moment, to extend her hand and touch His garment. That simple act of faith granted her the richest of blessings: she was healed.

The amazing part is that this small gesture did not go unnoticed by the Savior. He knew that there had been a need and a part of Himself had been extended to fulfill it. He immediately asked, “Who touched my clothes?” and the woman came and “fell down before him, and told him all the truth.”

When was the last time you reached out to touch the Savior? Like the woman in the scriptures I often find myself with issues that affect my heart, my life and my soul that I am unable to conquer on my own. At these times I can become lost in the crowds, or I can fight my way back to where I belong- within reach of my Savior.

If I reach out daily with sincere and thoughtful prayer,
If I humble myself and tell Him all,
If I try to stay close to Him by living as He would,
If I remove those things from my life that block me from being near Him, then
I am within reach.

For those brief moments, a part of Him fills me. He carries my sorrow, and speaks peace to my heart. He gives me the courage to face my trials once again and promises that my faith will make me whole. He knows my touch, He knows me.

“Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.” 3 Nephi 9:14

About Alison P

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