Instead of attending a regular institute class at the nearby college, I usually opt to attend the once a week class put on by our stake. However, not to long ago I went with a visiting friend to two institute classes at the college. Where both classes were wonderful, I felt to write about the second class. I had never attended a dating and courtship class before (it’s a matter of principle) but my friend insisted. I must say I was wonderfully surprised for it was nothing as I expected.
The lesson that day was on a topic I found most intriguing. It was on The Traditions of Our Fathers. The class started with the question, “What traditions are you going to continue or start with your future family?”
Normally when I think of traditions, I think of holiday activities. Yet, as I listened to my fellow students answer, my eyes were opened and began to realize that traditions go far beyond that. Here are a few of the Traditions mentioned:
-The Tradition to have weekly Family Home Evening
-The Tradition of daily personal and Family Prayer
-The Tradition of daily personal and Family Scripture Study
-The Tradition of telling your spouse and Children that you Love Them
-The Tradition of Family Dinner
-The Tradition of going to the Temple
-The Tradition of Modesty in how you dress and how you dress your children
In the class discussion we were told how powerful good traditions can be in the lives of our future children. Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Quorum of the Seventy reaffirmed this when he said,
“Of traditions which are complementary to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Paul admonished the Thessalonians, “Therefore, … stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught” (2 Thes. 2:15). In the Church, powerful traditions remind us of the strength and sacrifice of our ancestors and inspire our efforts. Among them are industry, frugality, and complete devotion to a righteous cause. Others are based on doctrine and standards which may seem peculiar to the world but are consistent with God’s pattern. These include chaste behavior, modesty of dress, unpolluted language, Sabbath observance, adherence to the Word of Wisdom, and the payment of tithes… Uplifting traditions play a significant role in leading us toward the things of the Spirit. Those that promote love for Deity and unity in families and among people are especially important.” Cultivate Righteous Traditions, Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
There are many blessings that come from establishing righteous traditions in our home. In the April 1990 General Conference, Elder Parry mentioned a few of them,
“If we will build righteous traditions in our families, the light of the gospel can grow ever brighter in the lives of our children from generation to generation. We can look forward to that glorious day when we will all be united together as eternal family units to reap the everlasting joy promised by our Eternal Father for His righteous children.” April General Conference 1990, Family Traditions, Elder L. Tom Perry
Likewise if we fail to establish good traditions in our home, or establish bad traditions our families will be at the mercy of the world and all that such a thing brings with it. With that said I have many friends who were not raised in homes with good traditions. They have experienced the bad side of traditions and have had to fight to overcome them, and look for the examples of good traditions which God will bring into their life.
Sometimes God sends us into homes with good traditions, which we then are responsible for carrying them on. Other times God sends the example of good traditions into our lives that we may break the chain of bad traditions which we have been raised with and establish good traditions in our future home.
The time to decide what traditions you want to establish in your future home is now. That way, we can establish them from the start when it will be much easier to do so. Thus, we come back to that original question presented at the start of the class, “What traditions are you going to continue or start with your future family?”
Once we answer that question, then we can, and must, determine if we should begin the decided upon traditions right now or if we must write them down somewhere safe so that when it is the proper time and place we can implement them.
I am glad that I went to that Institute class with my friend. It gave me much to think about. I know that what was taught was true. It is vital that we as singles turn our thoughts and hearts to our future families and decide what traditions we will establish in our home that we may be good spouses and parents. That our families will be strong, and protected against the influences of the world, and stand the test of time