This is such a difficult subject to write about. It’s not because I’m shy when it comes to talking about sexual purity. When the subject comes up in church lessons I’m usually the first to volunteer because I feel so passionately about remaining pure before, and after, marriage. For me the difficulty lies in helping a teenager realize the importance of, and the blessings that come from, keeping ourselves pure by not having sex before we get married, and making it happen in just one post.

Mormon TeenagersPerhaps that’s why I’ve written* on it before, and will undoubtedly write on it again.

The subject is also important enough for leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, nicknamed the Mormon Church, to write to youth specifically about it in the booklet For the Strength of Youth. This booklet briefly touches on various subjects of vital importance to teens living in today’s world. It acts as a guide, as well as a warning, in a world that strives to twist the good things into evil, and evil into good.

One of the most well known accounts of the importance of remaining pure is found in Genesis 39:1-12, when Potipher’s wife attempts to seduce Joseph. He couldn’t imagine doing that to his boss, nor could he sin against God in that way. He even went to prison for it, yet he ever remained pure.

For the Strength of Youth gives several different warnings against particular things we should guard against. They are not comfortable for me to write. Odds are they won’t be comfortable for you to read. I would ask that you do read them, and do so with a prayer in your heart that you might know if what is being warned against is truly God’s will.

“Before marriage, do not do anything to arouse the powerful emotions that must be expressed only in marriage. Do not participate in passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, or touch the private, sacred parts of another person’s body, with or without clothing. Do not allow anyone to do that with you. Do not arouse those emotions in your own body” (For the Strength of Youth, p.27).

If we try to keep ourselves out of danger, keeping ourselves pure is so much easier. I can’t express that enough. When we skirt the edge, when we walk the line, we knowingly place ourselves in a position where Satan can influence us. If we keep far away from the danger line, the line between God and Satan, we keep ourselves protected.

How do we remain on God’s side of the line? Always treat your date with respect. Stay in places you know are safe, where you can control your physical desires. Keep your language and conversations clean and uplifting. Remember that each young man or young woman is a child of God and deserves to be treated as such. When you do little things like this you protect yourself from the emotional, physical, and spiritual damage that can come from sharing physical intimacy outside the bonds of marriage.

For the Strength of Youth also touches briefly on homosexuality. It is a serious sin. Serious. It is not to be treated lightly, or to be rationalized into something that is good. It is true God loves every sinner, but He does not condone this sin.

“If you find yourself struggling with same-gender attraction, seek counsel from your parents and [church leader]. They will help you.”

Marriage, and all that comes with it, is for a man and a woman. The prophets have told us this time and again.

“The sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).

Unfortunately there are those whose virtue is brutally taken from them, without their permission, without their choice. It is vitally important for anyone out there who has been the victim of rape, incest, or other sexual abuse to know that in the eyes of God you are considered innocent. He still loves you, and is so mindful of everything you have been made to endure because of the agency of another.

“Seek your [church leader’s] counsel immediately so he can help guide you through the process of emotional healing.”

If any of you have been tempted to commit a sexual transgression, stop for a moment and think about what the consequences will be. Think about what you will be giving up. Think about how you will have to explain to your future spouse, to your future children, the choice you are about to make. If you are seriously tempted, go to your parents, or another trusted adult. Talk to the Lord, and to church leaders. Let them help you resist. Allow them the chance to help you overcome these thoughts and feelings. Pray that you will choose a better way, a happier way.

If you have committed this sin, it’s time to repent. It is only through the repentance process that you will begin to find peace once again. It is only through this process that the Spirit of the Lord will again be able to reside with you. You can’t take back what has been freely given away, but you can once again feel clean and worthy. Heavenly Father only wants what’s best for you, and repentance is truly a gift to help us be happy.

This doesn’t really begin to cover the importance of being sexually pure. I can only hope that it at least makes you think about why it is so important. Both my husband and I kept our virtue in tact when we got married, and I have never regretted it. I can promise if you choose to keep yourselves pure, you will count it as one of the greatest choices of your life.

If you’d like to read more please visit:

Chastity at the Latter-day Saint home site.

An Eternal Perspective of Chastity

Don’t Cross the Morality Line

Teens: The Importance of Staying Chaste

About Laurie W

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