The Sabbath day is a special day. In fact, it is so special the Lord created a commandment to remind us to treat it differently than all other days.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8).

Mormon Church MeetingSadly the Sabbath no longer means what it used to for a lot of people, but it doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. In fact, if the rest of your family doesn’t look to making Sunday a special day, you can set a wonderful example for them.

There is a booklet put out by leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (nicknamed the Mormon Church) called For the Strength of Youth. Like its’ name implies, it was put together primarily to help teens of today remain strong against increasing temptations. One of the most powerful ways is through how we strive to keep the Sabbath day holy.

“The Lord has given the Sabbath day for your benefit and has commanded you to keep it holy. Observing the Sabbath will bring you closer to the Lord and to your family. It will give you needed rest and rejuvenation” (p.32).

There are so many things we can do on the Sabbath that can help us keep this commandment.

“Worship the Lord, attend church, spend quiet time with your family, study the gospel, write letters, write in your journal, do family history work, and visit the sick or homebound” (p.32).

The list does not stop here. Think about the music you listen to on Sunday. Does it reflect the Lord and His teachings? Think about the movies or television shows you choose to watch. Are they uplifting and encourage the Holy Spirit to reside with you?

Think about how you dress on Sunday – and I’m talking all day Sunday. There is a tendency to rush home from church and quickly change into something more ‘comfortable.’ This usually means everyday clothes. The interesting things about remaining in what I term ‘church clothes’ is it helps keep your mind geared towards the spiritual.

What are church clothes? For girls it is a modest skirt and shirt, or dress. For guys it’s a nice pair of slacks with a white, collared shirt and a tie. If a teen is unable to afford a nice dress or shirt and tie, they are encouraged to wear whatever is best and cleanest. I have known many a youth – and even some adults – who have come to church in their nicest jeans, and that’s okay. Let your dress reflect a spiritual mindset.

A big issue in keeping Sunday a special, especially with Mormons, is being made to work, especially because more often than not they end up missing church. Many are forced to work due to the nature of their jobs. It is important to talk with your employer and let him/her know you’d rather not work on Sunday. If it’s just not possible, ask if you could have the schedule set to allow you to attend church. There are many employers who would be happy to work with you, and who will respect you more for these personal convictions.

The Sabbath day is meant to be a day of rest, but not the sort of rest you might think. It can be just as busy as any other day, but we need to fill it with things of a more spiritual nature. Don’t treat it like a holiday to be spent sleeping in, going to movies, attending sports events, etc. Fill it with things that will strengthen your spiritual side. Let your friends (and family if they don’t observe it) know how you want to spend the Sabbath day so they’ll not try to persuade you to do something that’s not appropriate.

What will happen if you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy? You will be brought closer to the Lord. Not only that but you’ll find your abilities to handle everyday life stronger. Temptations will be easier to pass up, and more peace will enter your lives. It’s worth it, I promise.

About Laurie W

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