A young man named Daniel knew, perhaps more than many of us personally know today, the importance of being watchful over what he took into his body. Many of us know the scripture account well. The king had asked for some of the best and brightest children of the land to be brought up in the ways and tongue of the Chaldeans. He even asked for them to be given the same food he ate, which consisted primarily of meat and wine. This was to go on for three years until he could decide whom he wanted to keep in his court.
Daniel and three of his friends didn’t want to eat the king’s meat and wine.
“Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king’s meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants” (Daniel 1:12-13).
Pulse is food made of grains and seeds. Daniel and his friends knew this would be much healthier than a constant diet of meat. In fact, after the ten days there was a noticeable difference in the countenance of these four young men as compared to all the others who had been gathered. They continued to eat the pulse and drink the water for the remainder of the three years. At that time, not only had they been blessed with health, but with wisdom beyond their years. (Daniel 1:3-20)
We have the Food Pyramid to guide us in how much of what food we’re supposed to take into our bodies. We know that balance is important when choosing the foods we eat. But maintaining our physical health goes far beyond that.
The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (nicknamed the Mormon Church) put together a booklet called For the Strength of Youth. This booklet is meant to be a guide for teens in today’s world against increasing temptations. One of the topics covered is physical health.
“Eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. When you do all these things, you remain free from harmful addictions and have control over your life. You gain the blessings of a healthy body, an alert mind, and the guidance of the Holy Ghost” (p.36).
Did you ever link a healthy mind and body to allowing the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, to reside with you? Think about that for a minute.
In the Latter-day Saint Church we have additional scripture that further explains how we can take care of our bodies. It was actually a revelation in response to Joseph Smith’s wife’s concern with several of the men smoking tobacco. This revelation is now known as the Word of Wisdom. (For a complete account go to Doctrine and Covenants 89.)
One of the first things warned against is the use of tobacco products. Even just a few years ago we couldn’t fully comprehend the effects tobacco would have not only on those who use it, but those who are exposed to it secondhand. I’ve watched the lasting effects on a loved one whose father smoked cigars. Her lungs have been damaged, she has almost constant bronchitis, and is a victim of severe headaches. All because of a father who didn’t think his smoking was doing any harm.
We’re also warned against drinking coffee or tea, for these can be just as addictive. Countless numbers can’t even face the world until they’ve had their first cup of coffee, yet they don’t see it as being addictive.
Alcohol is a vicious master, and has done vast amounts of damage to people and their families.
“Any form of alcohol is harmful to your body and spirit. Being under the influence of alcohol weakens your judgment and self-control and could lead you to break the law of chastity or other commandments. Drinking can lead to alcoholism, which destroys individuals and families” (For the Strength of Youth, p.36).
Much the same is said of drugs.
“Any drug, chemical, or dangerous practice that is used to produce a sensation or ‘high’ can destroy your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. These include hard drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications that are abused, and household chemicals” (For the Strength of Youth, p.37).
We know these things are bad for us, and yet too many of us still allow Satan or peers to lead to believe we’d be so much happier if we gave in. Turns out this isn’t true. Ask anyone who’s stealing from loved ones so they can afford their next fix, or the person who just hit and killed someone because they were driving drunk. Look at the so-called stars of today and the misery they’ve placed on themselves by making these wrong choices.
Members of the Latter-day Saint Church are often ridiculed for clean living. Peers would say we’re so restricted by these guidelines we don’t know how to have any real fun. I would like to yell to the world that this is not true! In fact, I can testify that those who choose to live clean are freer, happier, and better off than anyone who smokes that first cigarette, drinks that first beer, or tries drugs for the first time. Why?
You can never become addicted to something you’ve never tried. You will remain the master of your destiny. This choice proves you have more control over the outcome of your life than many of those who are trapped in the nightmare of addiction.
The blessings don’t stop there. Not only will you have a healthy body, but your mind will be sharp, your spirit will remain strong, and like Daniel you will be granted wisdom beyond your years. Does all this sound worth it? I certainly think so.