One thing we each have in common is that we all love payday. Whether you punch a clock and work regularly for a paycheck or invest your money and time to receive a dividend, we look forward to receiving the benefits that come from our efforts. We will even endure hardship, drive long distances, and work surprising hours toward that end.
Achieving this sought-after award is worth putting other things on hold so we can realize the benefits. No one purposely invests to lose their principle, works with no expectation of payment, or throws good money after bad.
But what happens when your efforts don’t seem to deliver the dividend you are seeking? It happens to all of us. Whether we are raising children to give them a good start in life or attending a university with the expectation to broaden our opportunities, we are all working for a payday of some kind. But admittedly, often when life hands us challenges, it can get discouraging when we don’t see the progress for which we struggle so hard. Sometimes, our dreams seem to be put on hold.
I have a favorite memory of going to the grocery store with my father. Whether he invited me to join him or I asked to come, it seemed like it was a good opportunity to spend time with dad and happened frequently. But, at the time I never thought it a big deal. It was long ago, and I remember him taking a little pad of paper and a pencil to figure out the best price. Corn, peas, and tomatoes—he would smile at me and with a measure of pride on his face say “We saved seventeen cents by choosing this brand.” It was never that much, but it added up…I suppose. Through the years the savings accumulated and so did the memories. I thought it was great being with my dad, but I had no idea at the time that I would look back at these occasions and treasure them—but I do. And you may wonder why I even remember this experience and cherish it so. Well, one reason is that it is always a treat for a son to be with his dad, but even more than that I learned from my father that little things can make a big difference, even especially when we don’t see the immediate reward. In fact as a general rule, things of real value take considerable time and effort. But perhaps the reason I enjoy this memory so much is that it reminds me of the qualities of my father. He was an upstanding person with an attention to detail and love for others that I admire to this day.
But I would venture to guess that you have never even heard of him. His name is not published in the periodicals of our day. His work was not the envy of most. But the little acts of service he rendered frequently and his smile and warmth he radiated to others has impacted my life for good and many others, because he tried tirelessly to build, lift, and edify all of us by following the example of the Savior. That’s what I remember most about my dad. And the lesson he taught me is that payday comes, one day-at-a-time. And the benefits are found in the journey—not only the destination.
Sometimes that means moving forward with faith, because we believe.
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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