So often in life, the bad steals the spotlight. News covers the problems and hardship in the world. Dishonesty and malice take center stage. Restraint and self-respect are demoralized. Conservative has a negative connotation in some circles. How many times do you hear the greeting “This is going to be the best day of my life” when you greet your neighbor on your morning walk? And even when we hear it, we don’t believe it. The greatest deception on earth is that someone or something else determines our happiness. Well, don’t you fall for it. That is absolutely false. You control your happiness, just as I control mine. Taking responsibility for our own perspective is motivational and empowering. Let’s discuss an example to illustrate:
We can read about an experience in the Bible where the children of Israel, by the hundreds, were bitten by venomous snakes, which meant certain death unless they would look up to a brass serpent raised on a pole. Now you could say they had really bad luck getting wounded and all, or it wasn’t their fault that they were bitten, or it just isn’t fair. But each one of the people, distressed as they were, had the opportunity to remove that affliction by completing a very simple task. They were told that all they had to do was look at the brass serpent raised on a pole, and they would be healed. But rather than follow that advice, some of them hopelessly wallowed in self-pity and instead died because the cure was “obviously” too easy an antidote and too good to be true. Dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands died unnecessarily because they did not believe that simply looking would be enough to heal them. Now I’m not sure that we really know how many were bitten and died, but those who perished hardened their hearts and did not have faith that such a simple task would heal them (1 Nephi 17:41; Alma 33:20). Sure, they did not decide to be bitten. It was thrust on them, just as challenges are pushed our way in this day. Yet when the solution was revealed, they failed to make the decision that really counted. We would never be so blind, right? Read on.
Now we can all agree that the price of that mistake (not looking) was much dearer than its simple antidote. Then why is it so difficult to believe that we are in charge of our own happiness? Hard things happen…we deal with it. Things don’t go the way we planned…it’s ok. It may just turn out better in the end. And even when it doesn’t, we are still in charge. Our free agency gives us all the power.
Having that kind of attitude and optimism is empowering and decisive, because it makes us the author of our happiness and puts us in control of our own destiny, whatever our circumstance. Since the Lord has prepared the way, we make all the decisions that really matter. And our faith in Jesus Christ and humility to follow him qualify us for the greatest gift of all.
Of course, looking to the brass serpent to be healed is a symbol of looking to Jesus Christ for salvation. We are entirely dependent on Jesus Christ to redeem us. The Atonement empowers us to accomplish anything we want to that is good and right and in accordance with God’s will. Do you realize how liberating that is? We have been called to accomplish an enormous undertaking. And we can do it, because we are not alone.
Mission president, successful businessman, and motivational speaker Hyrum Smith uses a scriptural example to illustrate this detail. The following is an excerpt paraphrased from Hyrum Smith’s book,
Words to Live By:
When God commanded Moses to free the children of Israel, he told him three things:
• You, Moses, are my son.
• I am God.
• And I have a work for you to do.
Knowing that, was there anything Moses could not accomplish?
We have all been given this same ultimatum. The Lord has a work for each one of us to accomplish, and he has provided every needful component to ensure our success.
So you needn’t wait another minute…don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you!
You hold the spotlight. Shine it on that which is good.
“The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Matthew 5:16
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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