For someone who was so perfect, I can imagine being around those who were so close to perfection themselves brought Christ much joy. He loved the little children. We have record of this in the Bible.

Mormon BabyIn Luke chapter eighteen we find parents bringing their infants to Christ. I know if I’d had the opportunity to watch my child interact with the Savior I would certainly not want to pass it up. The Lord’s disciples tried to shoo the parents away. Perhaps they thought there were more important things for the Savior to attend to, or perhaps they didn’t want to tire Him. I don’t know. Christ’s response goes a long way to showing how precious children truly are to Him.

“But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16).

In those few words we are taught the qualities reminiscent of heaven. We are invited to become childlike. Do not mistake this for acting childish. There is a big difference.

What are childlike qualities? We can find some incredible examples in the Book of Mormon, another testament of Christ.

“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father” (Mosiah 3:19).

Children are submissive. Okay, perhaps most children are submissive. I can’t say this is true of every child, but for my own children I’ve noticed the ages between three and five are very submissive. When I ask them to do something I rarely get whining, or arguing, or indifference. If I say we can’t get a special treat from the store, they understand I would if I could, but that there are reasons I can’t at that moment.

Children are meek. They crave peace and a happy heart. Certainly the natural man has tendencies towards violence and selfishness, but the natural man does not control our bodies. Our spirits do. In all their innocence children are not inclined to hurt without provocation. Even my youngest, who’s not yet two, would rather give kisses and hugs than willfully hurt a member of her family.

Children are humble. They need constant uplifting words to help them realize just how wonderful they truly are. But they never let their successes go to their heads. They are just as excited when others succeed.

Children are patient. Of course some are more patient than others. Have you ever asked your child to hang on “for just a minute,” only to remember they had asked something of you three hours later? Though they may pester you about something repeatedly, they are willing to “hang on” until the moment is right.

Children are full of love. I’d like to write that again. Children are full of love! Their entire lives revolve around being loved and loving others. They crave it. They long to give it. One of my children will take every opportunity to tell me he loves me. He does it through word and touch. I know it’s how he feels love the most, and so I try to let him know how much I love him in much the same way.

Children willingly submit to all things the Lord asks of them. My children have seen an awful lot of death in their short lives. Though they may not understand all of the reasons why, they are often the ones telling me that it’s okay. Heavenly Father knows what He’s doing. Children don’t always need to know the reasons. Think about how often they submit to our everyday requests. For the most part I am not asked to explain my reasons for wanting them to hold my hand in the parking lot, or why they should clean up their plate after dinner. Do we, as children of God, willingly submit to the Father when He asks us to do something we don’t understand?

In our efforts to become more like Christ, let us not ignore those beautiful qualities we see in our own children. They are, after all, such as the kingdom of God.

About Laurie W

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