I want you to think of a small, brown, cardboard box. Scrawled on one side, in thick, black marker is Family. Scrawled on another side, in the same oppressive black: Physical Health. On another: Financial Status. On another: Educational Opportunities. On another: Mental Health. And on the final side: Life Experiences.
This box is YOU. It will define you in other people’s eyes for your entire life. It doesn’t matter what choices you make, it only matters which family you were born into. It doesn’t matter how you try to serve, it only matters that you have poor health. You have been labeled. Put into a box, and this box will determine your future and even your eternities.
Some people love their boxes! They cling to their box and will use every opportunity to make sure you notice their box. “Hey, did you know I was related to so-and-so?” “Did you know that I’ve got my doctorate?” “Did you know I’ve had such and such opportunities?”
The labels of your box will be as unique as you. But labels they are, and labels control you. They limit your ability to look beyond and see opportunities. They curb your ability to grow!
We label each other for convenience. You, you are “peach jam”; therefore, you go in the jam aisle of life, on the peach jam shelf, and there you will remain. You over there? You are a potato; therefore, you go in the potato bin, in the vegetable section of life.
Labels make things neat and tidy. Labels help us navigate life. Can you imagine grocery shopping without labels?!?
However, we are not food. We are children of God!
God said there is only one label for His children: we are children of God. We are His. My label? I am a child of God. You are a child of God. God is limitless, without boundaries. As His child, you are limitless, without boundaries. Your potential is as vast as the universe!
How freeing that knowledge is! We are free of ANY other label!
I can be whoever God needs me to be! I can take every righteous desire of my heart to Him and trust that He can help me to fulfill it, because the possibilities are limitless!
There is no box. There never was a box. Imperfect mortals desiring to create order in this chaos called life, created boxes. Boxes give us a sense of control. When we cram someone into a box of our making, we attempt to control their potential, their possibility.
You, you there, you are someone who is mentally ill; therefore, you cannot be someone who can serve. You have a mental illness; therefore, you need help. You are not capable of offering help to others.
You over there? Oh, you only just joined my faith this last year? Hmm … you are now labeled, “Someone I will HELP!” Because helping makes me feel good. I can pity your lack of knowledge. I will bring you food, or stop by for a visit, or something else that makes me feel that I am helping you. All of these sound lovely, but the problem is that when we label a person in this way, we limit the possibilities God may have for our relationship with this person.
This person may be new to our faith. I may have a better understanding of the cultural ins and outs, but their faith in God burns brighter because they recognize the value of their testimony in ways that I take for granted. Each of us has something to offer the other in a relationship of equals.
What if instead, when someone joins our faith, we say, “Welcome to the yoke of discipleship!”
I think we’d have fewer situations where new converts feel less than those who have been members for their entire lives. There would be fewer situations where a new convert labels themselves as a victim and feels they need constant care taking. The Lord needs each of His disciples to bring their best efforts, even those who are still learning the way. Let us quit acting as though there is a hierarchy. There is none. Christ is quite specific about this:
Jacob 2:21 Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto him who created all flesh? And the one being is as precious in his sight as the other. And all flesh is of the dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created them, that they should keep his commandments and glorify him forever.
Each of us is created to keep God’s commandments and glorify Him through our lives. It doesn’t matter how long you have labored in the vineyard, only that you are choosing to labor.
When you find yourself labeling someone else, may I offer some advice? Stop it.

To read more of Emlee Taylor’s Missionary Mom moments, click here.
Instead of limiting each other, let’s help free each other! Open the confining boxes and help your brothers and sisters, your fellow children of God, to embrace their limitless possibilities!
Open your own box and leave it behind. It will be scary. There will be times when you grasp at a piece of box in an attempt to shield your fears and hide your insecurities. Stand tall. Have faith that being a child of God is enough. You don’t need a flimsy cardboard box to hide behind. You have the power of God to help you shine brightly.
My son is out in the world, away from the comforts of home and family to share the joyous, freeing message that there are no boxes. We are all children of God, with endless possibility before us.
Emlee Taylor
Growing up all over the world gave Emlee Taylor an opportunity to see the incredible differences the Lord created in humanity; and even better, the passions we all share as members of the human race: love for family, faith, & a desire to make a difference.
Emlee lives life with passion—focusing her time now on raising four children and teaching them to recognize truth and to live true to that truth, regardless of others’ expectations. Emlee is passionately in love with her bestest friend and husband of more than 20 years.
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