Today I walked into the temple towards a new smiling face. My friend and I attend the temple pretty much every week at the same time and know most of the ladies on that shift now. I smiled at the new smiling face and then read her name tag. Qureshi.
I met two Qureshi brothers while studying Arabic at Brigham Young University. Did she know them, I asked? One of those brothers is her dad! I enjoyed meeting her and finding out a little about her life, mission, and upcoming wedding. What a delight to meet her.
Do You Know
I’ve moved so many times in my adult life that it feels like I’m constantly starting over in a new location in a new ward, meeting all new people. Playing “Do You Know” has become one of my favorite meeting new people games. I’ve met so many people with mutual friends and even people who are distant cousins!
I’ve found a Tanner cousin in every ward I’ve lived in since 1999—every single ward. Now it’s a game to me. I can’t rest until I find my cousin. My current ward is the first time a Tanner cousin was actually named Tanner, so that connection was pretty easy to make.
For me, finding connections doesn’t end at relationships. I like plopping down next to someone new and finding out what we have in common and what we have in difference. Each person is so unique. I love finding out what makes people tick and where their passions lie. I love finding people who teach me things I want to learn about or help me think of new ways to solve old problems or encourage me to try new things.
I realize I approach “strangers” differently than most people. When I’m new, I’ve learned that if I want to make friends, I need to jump headlong into meeting people and attending activities (and the easiest way to make a new friend—Visiting Teaching). But not everyone feels comfortable jumping in.
I’ve thought a lot about why folks who feel so lonely at church may feel reticent to put themselves forward. Some people are fine with solitude or having just a few people in their lives. Totally fine. But in my experience, many people want to feel more involved or included than they are.
Attend Church
This should go without saying, but I’m amazed at the amount of women who tell me they don’t have any friends at church—and they don’t attend church regularly. The only reason they know me is because I find them where they are as a pretty aggressive visiting teacher or in whatever calling I hold.
Friendships are usually the result of familiarity. Attending church enables us to recognize and associate with people. We become familiar and comfortable. We become friends.
Participate in Activities
Everyone in a ward was new at some point. The way we get to know others is by spending time with others. Often, we build relationships through callings or visiting teaching assignments. The other most convenient way is by attending activities.
Now, I’m not personally a fan of lots of activities. I work full time. I always have way too much piled up on my plate. But, especially when I’m new in a ward, I always attend the activities—even if I don’t know a single person. I drive myself there. I sit next to someone and I say hi. Usually the activity requires some sort of interaction, so I participate—even if I don’t really want to. I do it because making connections is really important to my soul’s well-being, whether I want to admit that or not.
Authentically Smile and Say Hi
I understand that not everyone remembers everyone’s names and faces. Even though that really facilitates making friends quickly, it’s not absolutely necessary. I’ve had people ask me for my name several weeks in a row. That doesn’t offend me. I appreciate the effort.
Something everyone can do, though, is to smile at people and say hello. Your soul opens up to others when you smile at them. You look friendly. You are approachable. You are memorable. People feel happier around you.
Authentically smiling at others will leave its biggest impact on you. You will feel differently. You will act differently. Try it. It works. It’s so effective, that this is my favorite connection secret weapon.
Meet a New Person Each Week
My general goal in a new ward is to meet one new person each week. This goal broke me out of my shy, don’t really care about others shell. I set this goal before I even realized how important connections were to my well-being.
I set the goal planning to sit by someone sitting alone in Relief Society. When I looked around, I realized that lots of sisters sat alone. So, meeting my goal was way easier than I expected. The sisters really responded well to having someone sit next to them, smile and say hello.
I just couldn’t believe how easy it was—after I thought of some questions to keep a 2-3 minute conversation going. I realized I didn’t even really have to keep a conversation going. Sometimes after saying hello, I didn’t have to say another word, which was perfect to me. I learned how to listen to women who really wanted a friend and wanted to share.

To read more of Delisa’s articles, click here.
Sometimes we feel alone surrounded by a sea of people. But, we don’t need to. Reach out, however timidly. I guarantee you are not the only person feeling the way you do at church. You have the ability and capacity to change your story. If you want to experience a different story, I hope you believe that you can change it and then do change it.
Delisa Hargrove
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have moved 64 times and have not tired of experiencing this beautiful earth! I love the people, languages, histories/anthropologies, & especially religious cultures of the world. My life long passion is the study & searching out of religious symbolism, specifically related to ancient & modern temples. My husband Anthony and I love our bulldog Stig, adventures, traveling, movies, motorcycling, and time with friends and family.
I may have said this before: but this article is one of my favorite things about you! You have some mad skills that align with your advice here! You have taught me much about reaching out to others. When I find myself in a new situation, my normal train of thought goes like this: I don’t know anyone here…I could just slip out and not be noticed…wait. There is someone looking at me and they look lonely. So I think – how would Delisa approach that person? And before I can say “whoa” I am at their side and getting to know them. Thanks for your example my friend!
Wow! What an amazing compliment!! You seem to draw people to you effortlessly! (Me, for instance, hahaha). Thanks for being brave! I hope everyone can find that courage within themselves! And I know you’re helping others find it!!! Love you!!
It’s true if we make the decision to change we change our story and the story of others for the better
It’s a wonderful promise! We can choose to change anytime we want!
That’s all very fine and I did enjoy your article and years ago I used to be like that but now I am housebound and in a wheelchair. I do not have the strength to propel myself and my husband is ward clerk so hides himself in the office all the time. One Sunday I was left facing a blank wall for twenty minutes while people ignored me. This is not a criticism about my ward for it is a good ward and I love being here. I’ve tried phoning people but only two people phone me. We have lived here for over twenty years and I have been a member for over forty years. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ but do understand that people are very busy. If you ever visit my ward you are most welcome to sit next to me. I’m not at Church every week due to health problems but attend when I can because I know the Church is true. I have loads of hobbies to keep me busy and am always learning something new. Nor is this a criticism about your blog just that not everyone can help in that way even if they want to due to all sorts of reasons
Mary, thank you for your heartfelt comment. As I read the insight you shared into your story, my eyes filled with tears as I imagined you stuck alone facing a wall. And yet I sensed no bitterness in your message, which really inspired me. Thank you for sharing your point about potential limitations for all sorts of reasons and for reading the post. God bless!