One of the most amazing hymns I’ve heard sung is the hymn, “I Believe in Christ.” You can listen to the song by going to the musical representation of the hymn. Simply click on “I Believe in Christ.”

You will be taken to a musical player. On the left side of the screen, you will see at the top a “play” button (sideways triangle), next to a “stop” button (a square) and a “pause” button (looks like two quotation marks).

Mormon JesusUnderneath these tools on the left you can get interactive with the music. You may select to hear “Music with Parts”, to hear it with “Words and Music”, and/or to hear it with “Music Only.”

Try sampling each choice. A little lower on the left there are some other great options. If you want only to hear the melody (the Soprano part), click in the little squares to the left of Alto, Tenor, and Bass (in the “Music Parts/Volume” section on the left). Clicking in these boxes will deselect those parts, thus silencing them.

You can have great fun with this particular option. For example, while trying to learn the Alto part of “I Believe in Christ,” you could deselect all parts but the Alto one. Once you feel you can sing that part relatively well, you could click on the Tenor square to re-engage that portion. Now you have a duet going between the Alto and the Tenor lines!

This is entertaining. But the best part is really all about learning the amazing words to this hymn. Elder Bruce R. McConkie, one of the apostles for the Mormon church (officially called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), wrote the words to this hymn and read them during General Conference, just prior to his death from cancer.

Here is just the first verse (the rest are available for reading when clicking on “I Believe in Christ“). Just feel the power of praise these words bring:

I believe in Christ; he is my King!
With all my heart to him I’ll sing;
I’ll raise my voice in praise and joy,
In grand amens my tongue employ.
I believe in Christ; he is God’s Son.
On earth to dwell his soul did come.
He healed the sick; the dead he raised.
Good works were his; his name be praised.

(Text: Bruce R. McConkie, 1915-1985)

I’m not quite sure how some people claim that Mormons are not Christian. If you’ve not heard that claim before, I’m sure you will at some time. But sing the words to this song, knowing that they were written by one of the Apostles for the Mormon church. Feel the Spirit of the Lord descend while you sing them, and you will know that indeed not only do Mormons believe in Christ, but we rejoice in praising His name!

About Cindy B

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